Spanish Sentences using chofer  

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Estuve ayudándole al chofer a cambiar una llanta.
I was helping the driver change a tire.
Los pasajeros oyeron gritar al chofer del bus.
The passengers heard the bus driver shout.
El chofer espera que todos los pasajeros sean puntuales.
The driver expects all passengers to be on time.
Hola mamá, creo que perdí mi trabajo como chofer.
Hi mom, I think that I may have lost my job as a truck driver.
El chofer más soso del mundo.
World's flattest driver.
El chofer espera que todos los pasajeros sean puntuales.
The driver expects all passengers to be on time.
No sé si el chofer le puso gasolina a la camioneta o no.
I don't know if the chauffeur put gasoline in the station wagon or not.

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