Spanish Word for although  

English Word: although

Spanish Word: aunque
The Spanish Word for although
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Translated sentences containing 'although'
Although he is a good director, his last film is a disaster.
Por buen director que sea, su última película es un fracaso.
Although he is a taxi driver, he doesn't know the city.
Aunque es taxista, no conoce la ciudad.
Although he doesn't have a passport, he filled in the card for him.
Aunque no tiene pasaporte, le rellenó la ficha.
Although it's late, she shows up at the reception.
Aunque sea tarde, se presenta a la recepción.
Although it was clear, he didn't like it.
Aunque fuera clara, no le gustaba.
Although it was early, he would go to the hotel.
Aunque fuera temprano, iría al hotel.
Although there would be noise they would stay.
Aunque hubiera ruido se quedarían.
Although you didn't fill in the card, you would have to leave the passport.
Aunque no rellenaras la ficha, tendrías que dejar el pasaporte.
Although they didn't live in Spain, they speak Spanish.
Aunque ellas no vivieron en España, hablan español.
He is a student although he doesn't have his identification.
Es estudiante, pero no tiene su carnet.
Although he has achieved everything, nevertheless he is unhappy.
Aunque ha logrado todo, no obstante es infeliz.
Although she does not know how to read or write, she is happy.
Aunque no sabe ni leer ni escribir, es feliz.
He bought a car although he doesn't have any money.
Aunque no tiene dinero se compra un coche.
He is not going to buy a car, although he has the money to do it.
Aunque tenga dinero no va a comprarse un coche.
We ate ice cream although we were cold.
Nosotros comimos helado aunque teníamos frío.
Although the temperature is mild some peaks are covered in snow.
Aunque la temperatura es benigna, algunas cumbres están cubiertas de nieve.
Although you had gone many times, go with your friends now
Aunque hayas ido muchas veces, ve con tus amigos ahora.
Although today I am hot, I don't drink anything.
Aunque hoy yo tengo calor, no bebo nada.
Although the apartment is far from downtown, I like it.
Aunque el piso esté lejos del centro, me gusta.
Although I'm hungry, I can't eat meat.
Aunque yo tenga hambre, no puedo comer carne.

Although it was not, we were.
No lo ha hecho, sin embargo, lo hemos hecho nosotros.
No, it is not 'failure' - although it could be.
No, no es "fracaso", aunque bien podría.
Although that is true, it is not a sufficient reason.
Esto es verdad, pero no es suficiente.
I would like to think so, although it is not certain it would have.
Ojalá. Sin embargo, no existe seguridad alguna al respecto.
Although true, that is only half the truth.
Esto es verdad, pero es solamente la mitad de la verdad.
Although in your case it was by acclamation.
Aunque en su caso fue por aclamación.
They have all responded, although inconsistently.
Todos han respondido, pero de una manera irregular.
All in all, although it has been long, it has been well worthwhile.
Con todo, aunque ha sido un largo período, ha merecido la pena.
Although I have left it until last, it is crucial.
Aunque lo he dejado para el final, es crucial.
This has not happened here, although there is a need.
Esto no ha sucedido aquí, aunque existe la necesidad.
That is all for now, although there is a lot more!
Eso es todo de momento, ¡aunque queda mucho más!
Although in France today, when we talk …
Aunque hoy, en Francia, cuando hablamos…
There is something that you should be ashamed of, although you do not realise it.
Hay algo de lo que deberían ustedes avergonzarse, aunque no se den cuenta de ello.
Although these are important, we have to do much more.
Aunque estas son importantes, tenemos que hacer mucho más.
It is necessary, although I doubt how urgent it is.
Es necesario, aunque tengo mis dudas con respecto a su urgencia.
There was no alternative, although there has been criticism from some members.
No había alternativa, aunque algunos diputados lo hayan criticado.
Although we define targets, they are not binding.
Aunque definimos los objetivos, éstos no son vinculantes.
Although it would be ideal if we could do so, it is impossible.
Aunque sería ideal si lo consiguiéramos, es imposible.
Although this is not contained in the resolution,
Aunque esto no se encuentra recogido en la resolución,
Although they are based on my report, they are not impartial.
Aunque estén basadas en mi informe, no son resoluciones imparciales.
It is overcoming it, although we are not yet out of the woods.
La está superando, aunque todavía no está a salvo.
Although it is difficult, it is our job.
Aunque ha sido difícil, es nuestro trabajo.
Although good, they are clearly inadequate.
Aunque son positivas, está claro que resultan inadecuadas.
Although I was not able to vote, my vote is against.
Aunque no he podido votar, mi voto es en contra.
Although that is what we would have liked to have seen.
Aunque no dejásemos de esperarlos.
It did so although it had no jurisdiction in the matter.
Lo ha hecho cuando no tenía ninguna competencia al respecto.
Although I didn't vote for it, I did want to believe in it.
Aunque no haya votado en su favor, quise creer en ella.
Although this is a great advance, it is not the only one.
Aunque este sea un importante paso hacia delante, no es de ningún modo el único.
If they were not - although I think they are - they would not be included.
Si no lo fueran, aunque yo creo que lo son, no estarían incluidas.
I have succeeded in this although I had hoped to do better.
Lo he conseguido, aunque confiaba en lograr algo más.
Although it is a little more expensive, it does not harm the environment.
Cuesta un poco más, pero resulta menos nocivo para el medio ambiente.
Although this issue comes up time and again, it is very abstract.
I am well aware of this, although we are not even halfway there.
Lo admito, pero también reconozco que ni siquiera estamos a mitad de camino.
Although we are not euphoric, the results of the Assembly are acceptable.
Aunque no estamos eufóricas, los resultados de la Asamblea son aceptables.
Most, although not all Member States have introduced regulators.
La mayoría de los Estados miembros han establecido reguladores pero uno no.
I have voted for this report although I have reservations about some aspects of it.
He votado a favor de este informe aunque tengo reservas acerca de algunos de sus aspectos.
Although we are so keen on this initiative, that is not because we think it is sufficient in itself.
Si tanto nos preocupa esta iniciativa, no es porque pensemos que se basta a sí misma.
We welcome this proposal, although we have tightened it up slightly.
Nos parece una propuesta adecuada, aunque la hemos endurecido un poco.
Nevertheless, although it is relatively modest, it is welcome.
No obstante, aunque es relativamente modesto, merece ser bien recibido.
Although it is not an opinion that I share, it is one that I respect.
Yo respeto esto, aunque no comparto esa opinión.
And although there is some improvement, the complaints keep flooding in.
Según tengo entendido, ello ha causado serios problemas a la Comisión, especialmente durante el primer año. Aunque la situación haya mejorado un poco, las quejas siguen llegando a raudales.
Although I voted in favour of this directive I do have some reservations.
(EN) A pesar de que he votado a favor de la presente directiva, tengo algunas reservas.
I share this concern, although I hope it is unfounded.
Comparto esta preocupación, aunque espero que no llegue a materializarse.
Although I voted against, it showed the green light.
Aunque he votado en contra, se ha encendido la luz verde.
Although it is a democracy, it is certainly not a western one.
Aunque sea una democracia, desde luego no es una democracia occidental.
Although I mention this only in passing, that too is not something that should be ruled out.
Aunque menciono esto solo de pasada, es algo que no se debe descartar.
Although we do not yet have a constitution, this is the direction in which we should be moving.
Aunque todavía no tenemos una constitución, esta es la dirección que hemos de tomar.
Although we have nothing to hide, we do not want to be harassed.
A pesar de que no tenemos nada que esconder, no queremos ser acosados.
That is incorrect, although it does sail under the Dutch flag.
Eso es incorrecto, aunque navegue con bandera neerlandesa.
Although this figure is fluctuating, the tendency is upwards.
Aunque esa cifra fluctúa, la tendencia sigue siendo alcista.
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