Have you ever try to make dinner for your guests in a Rival electric pot?
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Spanish Verb of the Day
Spanish Verb of the Day
Title: Have you ever try to make dinner for your guests in a Rival electric pot?
Location: Quito, Ecuador
Still in Quito. We visited the South American Explorers club again. We needed to gather more information in order to plan our bicycle trips. If anyone of you ever comes this way, you definitely need to visit this place. They have a lot, I mean a lot of information.
Our budget is getting tight, so we went on a mission to find a grocery store and we did this afternoon. The first thing we noticed at the entrance of the store was an ad for a Spanish Language school. I think there must be a lot of these institutions in Quito. We keep seeing them every where. I actually wish we had time for that. Inside the grocery we found, coffee, bananas, fruits, vegetables, bread, and soup were cheap. We also found Cheese, meat and other perishables. Too bad we don’t have a place to store. They were not as cheap as the first mentioned items, but still will be cheaper that eating at restaurants. We invited Glenn and Laura from England to have “dinner” with us. We met them at a little bar a few nights ago. They are very interesting and have been traveling for 3 years. That was a nice challenge to make dinner with a Rival tea pot as our only kitchen utensil.
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