Spanish Sentences using aquellos  

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Estos zapatos son mejores que aquellos.
These shoes are better than those.
Aquellos zapatos son viejos.
Those shoes are old. (far away)
Quiero aquellos lápices.
I want those pencils. (away from speaker and listener)
Quiero aquellos periódicos.
I want those newspapers. (away from speaker and listener)
¿Aquellos zapatos son tuyos?
Are those shoes over there yours?
Aquellos conejos corren más que ésos.
Those rabbits over there run faster than those ones.
Aquellos basureros son más grandes que ésos.
Those trash baskets are bigger than those ones.
Aquéllas son maletas.
Those over there are suitcases.
Me dirijo a aquellos que estamos a favor.
Let me address those of us who are in favour.
¿Qué queda de aquellos propósitos?
What has happened to these intentions?
Denunciamos con frecuencia a aquellos que la cometen.
We often condemn the perpetrators of such violence.
Es decir, incluidos aquellos residuos biodegradables.
That is to say, including that biodegradable waste.
Por consideración con aquellos que nos sucedan.
Out of respect for those who are to come after us.
Condenamos a aquellos que fomentan la agresión israelí.
We condemn those fuelling Israeli aggression.
Aquellos que fueron a Palestina dijeron que no.
They told us, the ones who went to Palestine, that we had not.
Aquellos acontecimientos estuvieron, sin duda, relacionados.
Those events were undoubtedly related.
Salvemos a aquellos cuyas vidas están en peligro.
Let us save those whose lives are threatened.
Gracias especialmente a aquellos que se marchan.
A special thanks to those of you who will leave.
En aquellos momentos lo negué resueltamente.
At the time I refuted it.
Esto que me lleva a hablar en nombre de aquellos –o al menos por aquellos– que utilizan acrónimos.
This leads me to speak on behalf of, or to speak for, those who use acronyms.
Aquellos que los incumplan deberán ser sancionados severamente.
Those found in breach of them must be dealt with severely.
También es una ayuda considerable para aquellos que regresan a casa.
It is also of significant help to those who subsequently return home.
Y ¿con qué derecho, Señorías, sobre todo aquellos que no están?
Ladies and gentlemen - especially Members who are not here - by what right is this happening?
Soy de aquellos que se felicitan de este compromiso.
I am among those who welcome this compromise.
No hay que prestar oídos a aquellos que afirman lo contrario.
Those who say that it is not must not be listened to.
Aquellos que han retrasado nuestras esperanzas deben escuchar ahora.
Those who deferred our hopes should listen now.
Recordemos dos puntos fundamentales en el contexto de aquellos debates.
Let us recall just two key points of the context of those discussions.
Aquellos que se manifestaron pensaban que éste fracasaría.
Those who expressed an opinion thought it would fail to be adopted.
No entiendo a aquellos que afirman que no deberían celebrarse reuniones del G8.
I do not understand those who say that we should not have G8 meetings.
Aquellos que han participado en Durban tienen mucho mérito.
Those who participated in Durban deserve great credit.
A ello hay que añadir a aquellos que lo desean.
It includes those who want it.
Lamentablemente, se ahogó en uno de aquellos peligrosos viajes.
Sadly, he drowned on one of those hazardous journeys.
Aquellos que no estén dispuestos a aceptar esto ya no son bienvenidos aquí.
Those who are unwilling to accept this are no longer welcome here.
No debemos ceder ante aquellos Estados miembros que no invierten suficientemente.
We must not give in to those Member States that are failing to invest sufficiently in this.
Tiene que rendir para aquellos que trabajan en ese sector.
It has to pay off for those who work in that sector.
Pero queda poco del entusiasmo de aquellos tiempos.
There is little trace, though, of the enthusiasm of those days.
¿Compensará la Comisión a todos aquellos a quienes se ha garantizado?
Will the Commission pay out compensation to all of those to whom it has been guaranteed?
Tendremos que denunciar a Hilal y a aquellos como él.
We will have to supervent Hilal and those like him.
Voy a dar prioridad a aquellos diputados que todavía no han intervenido.
I shall give priority to those Members who have not yet spoken.
¿Conoce el lado oscuro de aquellos con quienes se comunica?
Are you aware of the dark sides of those with whom you communicate?
Muchas gracias a todos aquellos que me han ayudado a elaborar este informe.
Many thanks to all those who helped me produce this report.
Me centraré en aquellos puntos que considero más importantes.
I am going to focus on those points that I find most substantive.
Estoy muy agradecido a todos aquellos que hicieron posible esta decisión.
I am very much obliged to all those who were involved in bringing about this decision.
Fue como si estuviera viendo una película de aquellos años.
It was as if I was watching a film from those times.
Quiere infundir esperanza a aquellos que creen en un mañana libre.
He wants to give hope to those people who believe in a free tomorrow.
Debemos apoyar a aquellos que desean establecer el Estado de Derecho.
We must support those who want to enforce the rule of law.
Aquellos que se oponen no han presentado argumentos convincentes en contra.
Those opposed have not presented any salient arguments against it.
Les invito a aquellos de ustedes que estén interesados a que participen.
I invite all of you who are interested to attend.
Todos aquellos que buscan alterar el sistema fracasan.
All those who seek to alter the system fail.
Confío en que sea posible incluir a todos aquellos países.
I am looking forward to the possibility of everybody there being included.
Sólo aquellos a los que el régimen tolera pueden participar.
Only those who are tolerated by the regime can take part.
Aquellos que lo hagan, decididamente nos encontrarán ahí respaldándoles.
Those who will do so will surely find us standing right there behind them.
Aquí coincido con todos aquellos que han planteado este asunto.
I am in agreement here with all those who have raised this issue.
Para aquellos diputados que han estado hablando de educación: no funciona.
For those Members who have been talking about education: it does not work.
Aquellos que intentan eliminar el capitalismo tienen menos trabajo.
Those seeking to clean up capitalism have their work well and truly cut out.
Queremos expresar nuestra solidaridad con todos aquellos que están luchando.
We wish to express our solidarity with all those who are fighting.
También están aquellos que afectan al mercado interno.
There are then those that affect the internal market.
Y seleccionarán únicamente a aquellos productores que cumplan los estándares europeos.
And they will select only those producers who meet European standards.

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