Sentence Maker: away  

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They are putting away Robert's car. They are putting his car away.
Ellas están guardando el carro a Roberto. Ellas están guardándole el carro.
My dog ran away.
Mi perro se escapó.
When you have played enough, put the toys away.
Cuando tú hayas jugado, guarda los juguetes.
When he has run in the motorcycle, put it away in the garage.
Cuando él haya corrido en la motocicleta, guárdala en el garaje.
We knew who won right away.
Supimos quién ganó enseguida.
Do I prepare your order to eat it here or to take away?
¿Le preparo el pedido para tomar aquí o para llevar?
I don't throw anything away, I try to make use of everything.
Yo no tiro nada, intento aprovecharlo todo.
to put away the clothes
guardar la ropa
I hope they never take away our freedom of expression.
Ojalá que no puedan privarnos de nuestra libertad de expresión.
When the cast is taken away, I will have to do a month of rehabilitation.
Cuando me quiten la escayola, tendré que hacer un mes de rehabilitación.
He put on his hat and went away. He hit his head while leaving. He was furious.
Se puso el sombrero y se fue. Se golpeó la cabeza al salir. Estaba furioso.
Don't take the frying pan away from the fire!
¡ No retire usted la sartén del fuego !
The innocent one advises him to put them away.
El inocente le aconseja que los guarde.
Go away! Don't touch me!
¡Váyase ! ¡No me toque!
I hope that your headache goes away soon.
Espero que pronto se te pase el dolor de cabeza.
Throw away the trash
Tire la basura
The children put the toys away and now they are doing their homework.
Los niños pusieron los juguetes en su lugar y ahora hacen su tarea.
Perhaps I threw it away without noticing.
Tal vez lo tiré sin darme cuenta.
I want those pencils. (away from speaker and listener)
Quiero aquellos lápices.
I want those newspapers. (away from speaker and listener)
Quiero aquellos periódicos.
Yes, yes mom. I'll be there right away.
Sí, sí, mamá. Voy en seguida.
I want those skirts. (far away)
Quiero aquellas faldas.
I want that car. (far away)
Quiero aquel coche.
I want those televisions. (away from speaker and listener)
Quiero aquellas televisiones.
I want that chair. (far away)
Quiero aquella silla.
I've had it for about two months and it doesn't go away.
Lo tengo desde hace como dos meses y no se me va.
Tomorrow will be when I will go away.
Mañana será cuando me iré.
The thief is running away from the police.
El ladrón está huyendo del policía.
She is running away from the thief.
Ella está huyendo del ladrón.
I had to throw it in the trash.
Tuve que echarlo a la basura.
Yes, sir. I'll get it for you right away.
Sí, señor. Ahorita se la consigo.
Does the pain go away after you rest?
¿Se le quita el dolor después de descansar?
If you don’t pay attention, you will be carried away.
Camarón que se duerme se lo lleva la corriente.
I’ll do it right away
Lo haré enseguida
Did your pain go away after taking nitroglycerin?
¿Se le quitó el dolor después de tomar la nitroglicerina?
Throw it away
Whose going away party was it? Who is getting married?
¿De quién era la despedida? ¿Quién se casa?
I have to put away our winter clothes.
Tengo que guardar nuestra ropa de invierno.
I've already put away our winter clothes.
Ya guardé nuestra ropa de invierno.
Would you live a love story with a friend that lives far away from you?
¿Viviríais una historia de amor con un amigo que vive lejos de ti?
I would write dad if I were far away.
Yo escribiría a papá si él estuviera lejos.
Tell me if the pain goes away.
Dígame si le quita el dolor.
If the pain does not go away after taking three pills, you should return to the hospital.
Si no se le quita el dolor después de tomar tres pastillas, regrese al hospital.
The waves will wash away the sandcastle.
La olas desharán el castillo de arena.
Has your toothache gone away?
¿Ya se te quitó el dolor de muelas?
Please, tow my car away.
Remolquen mi coche, por favor.
I'll be away on a business trip to Paris.
Iré a Paris en viaje de negocios.
Right away, the secretary makes the appointment with doctor Lozano.
Enseguida la secretaria hace la cita con el doctor Lozano.
The closest bank is two streets away.
El banco más cercano está a dos calles.
The boy is running away from the nurse because he doesn’t want to take the cough syrup.
El niño está huyendo de la enfermera para no tomar jarabe.
You are running away from the doctor because you don’t want to be injected.
Tú estás huyendo del doctor para que no te inyecte.
Has your pain gone away?
¿Se le quitó el dolor?
The girl is running away from the pediatrician to go after her mother.
La niña está huyendo del pediatra por seguir a su mamá.
Yes, sir. I'll bring it to you right away. And you ma'am?
Sí, señor. Se lo traeré enseguida. ¿Y usted señora?
The gas station is ten kilometers away.
La gasolinera está a diez kilómetros.
Yes, sir. I'll bring it to her right away.
Sí, señor. Se la traeré enseguida.
I'll bring it to you right away.
Te la traigo en seguida.
Go away!
¡Fuera de aquí! / Largo!
His licence was taken away.
Le quitaron la licencia.
Get those toys away from here.
Quita esos juguetes the aquí.
The principal took her cell phone away from her.
La directora le quitó el teléfono celular.
The principal can take your cell phone away.
La directora te puede quitar el teléfono celular.
It was a going away party.
Era una despedida de soltero.
The thief got away from the police.
El ladrón burló a la policía.
Which one? That one (closer) or that one (father away)?
¿Cuál? ¿Ése o aquél?
This is not the first time he runs away from home.
Esta no es la primera vez que él huye de su casa.
far away
A lo lejos
I am going to throw it away.
Lo voy a echar a la basura.
I am going to throw it in the trash.
Voy a echarlo a la basura.
Go away!
¡Fuera de aquí! / ¡Largo!
My dog ran away.
Mi perro se escapó.
Don't put away the winter clothes yet.
Todavía no guardes la ropa de invierno.
When I go to the employment agency, they wait on me right away.
Cuando voy a la agencia de empleo, me atienden enseguida.
Build your house nearer the city. Don't build it so far away.
Construye tu casa más cerca de la ciudad. No la construyas tan lejos.
They snatched the watch away with a yank.
Le han arrancado el reloj de un tirón.
The turn-around is twenty kilometers away.
El retorno está a veinte kilómetros.
Please, tow my car away.
Remolquen mi coche/auto, por favor.
The children were upset because the tide washed away their sandcastle.
Los niños estaban tristes porque la marea deshizo su castillo de arena.
We assured the agency that we would stop throwing away trash.
A la agencia le aseguramos que dejaríamos de arrojar basura.
We have to move away from this.
Tenemos que abandonar esa vía.
We should move away from that.
Deberíamos modificar esa actitud.
You have shied away from it!
La han rehuido.
They did not: they walked away.
No lo hicieron: se fueron.
They have not gone away.
No han desaparecido.
Do not give it away!
¡No la regalen!
There is no walking away from them.
No hay manera de eludirlas.
They are all going away!
Todo el mundo se marcha.
We have to move away from this.
Es preciso que acabemos con esto.
There is no one keeping them away: they are keeping themselves away.
Nadie los excluye; son ellos los que se excluyen a sí mismos.
He runs away from the debate and he runs away from the reality.
Se escapa del debate y se escapa de la realidad.
We will not get away from nuclear power straight away.
La humanidad no escapará tan pronto a la energía nuclear.
We are a month and a half away from Copenhagen, just a few weeks away.
Estamos a mes y medio de Copenhague, a unas pocas semanas.
By now they are far away.
Hoy están lejos.
This means that we move away from shredding.
Esto se debe a que hemos abandonado el cizallamiento.
BSE has certainly not gone away.
La EEB no ha desaparecido.
And it is not going to go away.
El problema sigue planteado.
It cannot take it away from Kosovo.
No puede detraerlo de Bosnia, ni tampoco de Kosovo.
Let us not throw it away.
No desperdiciemos la oportunidad.
For that reason the EU should not shy away from it.
Por ello, la UE no debe ignorar esta fórmula.
We must not shy away from it.
Y no podemos evitarlo.
There is no getting away from this fact.
Éste es un hecho irrefutable.
Does this document signal a move away from that?
¿Significa, por consiguiente, el documento un alejamiento de esto?
But why not take advantage of that straight away?
Pero ¿por qué no sacamos provecho de esa situación ahora?
We need not be carried away by our emotions.
Lo que no necesitamos ahora son alteraciones del ánimo.
We must move away from this situation.
Tenemos que salir de este círculo.
These problems have not, of course, gone away.
Esos problemas no han desaparecido.
I think that we should do away with the register.
Creo que hay que eliminar el registro.
He took his bag and marched away.
Ha cogido la bolsa y se ha marchado.
We are not giving anything away here.
En este punto no vamos a hacer regalos.
That right has been taken away from them today.
Ese derecho se les ha usurpado hoy.
There is no getting away from this issue.
No es posible evitar este asunto.
Perhaps I should do so straight away.
Voy a comenzar enseguida.
For this more money is needed right away.
Es necesario aportarle más dinero de forma inmediata.
Even if we did want to, we could not take it away from you.
Incluso si lo quisiéramos hacer, no podríamos quitárselo a ustedes.
The Politician's corpse was borne away,
el cadáver del político era llevado,
Should we do away with fishing altogether?
¿Deberíamos hacer desaparecer la actividad pesquera?
We must not, however, shy away from this.
Sin embargo, no debemos alejarnos del objetivo principal.
There is no need to shy away from this.
No hay ninguna necesidad de asustarse de esto.
This issue will not go away.
Este problema no va a desaparecer.
He would do better to stay away.
Haría mejor en no asistir.
At the moment it looks more as if we are moving away from them.
Por el momento, parece como si nos estuviéramos alejando de ellos.
How can they get away with it?
¿Cómo pueden salir impunes?
I cannot reply to all these details straight away.
No puedo responder ahora mismo a todos estos detalles.
It is a good thing that we have moved away from this.
Y es bueno que hayamos cambiado de actitud.
If we move away from that we are in peril.
Si nos alejamos de ese principio, estaremos en peligro.
That is throwing money away.
Eso es tirar dinero.
This matter is not going to go away.
Este problema no va a desaparecer por sí solo.
I hope we do not throw it away.
Espero que no la desperdiciemos.
The first challenge is to do away with protectorates.
El primer desafío es poner fin a los protectorados.

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