Spanish Word for worked  

English Word: worked

Spanish Word: trabajó
The Spanish Word for worked
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The ones who worked overtime last week have already been paid.
Ya se les pagó a las que trabajaron tiempo extra la semana pasada.
I think you have worked a lot in this life. I don't think I have worked a lot.
Pienso que has trabajado mucho en la vida. No creo que yo haya trabajado mucho.
John would have earned lots of money if he had worked more.
Juan habría ganado mucho dinero si él hubiera trabajado más.
Rosario worked at the store.
Rosario trabajaba en la tienda.
You have worked a lot.
Has trabajado mucho.
They worked arduously. Their work was hard but pleasant.
Trabajaban arduamente; su trabajo era duro, pero agradable.
If we had worked efficiently in that project, we would have already finished.
Si hubiésemos trabajado eficientemente en ese proyecto, ya habríamos terminado.
I worked for two years as a waiter.
Trabajé durante 2 años como camarero.
You will be paid overtime after having worked forty hours a week.
Se le pagarán horas extras después de haber trabajado cuarenta horas por semana.
They worked a lot.
Ellas trabajaron mucho.
I have worked the whole day and now I'm tired.
He trabajado todo el día y ahora estoy cansado.
How many weeks have you worked with Mr. Cisneros?
¿Hace cuántas semanas trabaja usted con el señor Cisneros?
Everything was broken at the ranch. Nothing worked.
Todo estaba descompuesto en la hacienda. Nada servía.
He's worked in the shipyard for three years.
Trabaja en el astillero desde hace tres años.
What do you think you can bring to this position if finally you worked on it?
¿Qué crees que puedes aportar a este puesto, si finalmente trabajaras en él?
Have you worked in a restaurant before?
¿Ha trabajado en un restaurante antes?
What good would it have done if we'd stayed and worked yesterday?
¿De qué habría servido que nos hubiéramos quedado a trabajar ayer?
I worked in the office yesterday.
Yo trabajé en la oficina ayer.
John would earn lots of money if he worked more.
Juan ganaría mucho dinero si él trabajara más.
How long have you worked in that company?
¿Cuánto tiempo has trabajado en esa compañia?

We too have worked on this.
A fin de cuentas, nosotros también hemos trabajado sobre el tema.
That was how it worked.
Así era el sistema.
You worked with us on this and you worked earnestly on it.
Usted trabajó con nosotros en esto y trabajó con empeño en ello.
He has worked through that consistently.
Ha trabajado a fondo y coherentemente sobre ellas.
They have worked very hard on this.
Han trabajado muy duro en esto.
Sadly, it has not worked.
Desgraciadamente, no ha funcionado.
That worked in our opinion.
En nuestra opinión, esto funcionaba.
That Regulation has not worked.
Ese Reglamento no ha funcionado.
We have worked very closely on this.
Hemos trabajado en estrecha colaboración en este tema.
We thank those who worked on it.
Manifestamos nuestro agradecimiento a todos los que han participado en su elaboración.
It is not sufficient, but it has worked.
No será suficiente, pero ha funcionado.
We know him. We have worked with him.
Lo conocemos y hemos trabajado juntos.
That is why we worked so quickly.
Esa es la razón por la que trabajamos rápido.
It worked. But it is very unusual.
Así pues, funcionó este recurso, que, a pesar de todo, es muy poco habitual.
We believe that they have worked very hard, that they have worked very successfully.
Creemos que han trabajado denodadamente, que han trabajado muy satisfactoriamente.
Uniformity needs to be worked on.
Habrá que trabajar por la uniformidad.
This system has worked perfectly so far.
Al menos, hasta ahora ha funcionado así sin ninguna queja.
This regime has worked well.
Este régimen ha dado buenos resultados.
This report is well worked out in its detail.
Este informe está bien elaborado en todos sus detalles.
He has worked for our ports and for that he deserves our thanks.
Su compromiso a favor de nuestros puertos le hace acreedor de nuestro agradecimiento.
The presidency has worked hard on enlargement.
La Presidencia ha trabajado intensamente en la ampliación.
We should study how their containment worked and why.
Deberíamos estudiar cómo funcionó su contención y por qué.
That is logical because both committees had worked together before.
Esto resulta lógico ya que ambas comisiones ya colaboraron juntas en la etapa anterior.
This is, as it were, an issue that has to be worked out once we have the 'big picture' .
Esta es casi una cuestión que se debe deducir del entramado global.
We worked together with them at Doha.
Nosotros trabajamos con ellos in situ, en Doha.
So we still have not worked out the rules of engagement.
Conque todavía no hemos preparado las normas del compromiso.
It is not what the Commission worked for many years.
No es para eso para lo que la Comisión trabajó durante muchos años.
Vaccination would not have worked in the UK situation.
La vacunación no habría funcionado en la situación en la que se encontraba el Reino Unido.
These are things that have worked well.
Todo esto ha funcionado.
From the outset, we worked collectively and diligently.
Desde el principio, hemos trabajado colectivamente y con diligencia.
We have worked openly and constructively.
Hemos trabajado abierta y constructivamente.
The reason is that the Convention worked undemocratically.
La razón está en que la Convención ha trabajado de forma nada democrática.
We all know what the initial proposal was and how it was worked on.
Todos sabemos cuál era la propuesta inicial y cómo se ha trabajado en ella.
We worked together very well.
Hemos trabajado juntos muy bien.
I think we worked well together.
Creo que hemos trabajado bien juntos.
We on the committee have worked on this basis.
Nosotros, en la comisión pertinente, hemos trabajado sobre esa base.
We tried it in Denmark, and it worked.
Nosotros lo intentamos en Dinamarca y funcionó.
Today we worked out our priorities.
Hoy hemos establecido nuestras prioridades.
The Commission has worked long and hard on this.
La Comisión ha trabajado durante mucho tiempo al respecto.
However, it was possible that it could have worked; there was potential.
Sin embargo, podría haber funcionado; tenía posibilidades.
This would not have been such a bad thing after all, had we worked it through.
Esto no habría sido tan negativo después de todo, si lo hubiéramos examinado detenidamente.
That has worked very well up until now.
Por ahora ha funcionado muy bien.
They only worked to ensure their own survival and that of their family.
Solo trabajaban para su propia supervivencia y la de su familia.
That being the case, we do not need to get so worked up.
Visto lo cual, no hay motivo para alterarse tanto.
The systems worked and that is good.
Los sistemas han funcionado y eso es bueno.
The procedure has worked well.
El procedimiento ha funcionado bien.
Had it not been for the European Union, it would not have worked.
Si no hubiera sido por la Unión Europea, no habría funcionado.
I am not questioning the way in which the reform has been worked out.
No cuestiono la manera en que se ha llevado a cabo la reforma.
It has been a long process, and you have worked hard.
Ha sido un proceso largo y usted ha trabajado duramente.
They worked fifteen hours a day.
Trabajaban quince horas al día.
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