Spanish Word for wife  

English Word: wife

Spanish Word: la mujer/ la esposa
The Spanish Word for wife
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Translated sentences containing 'wife'
My parents liked you a lot. They liked your wife, too.
Ud. le cayó muy bien a mis padres. Su esposa le cayó bien también.
This is my wife.
Ésta es mi esposa.
Diego bought a hat for his wife.
Diego compró un sombrero a su esposa. -un sombrero
The mayor's wife was kidnapped by the terrorists.
La esposa del alcalde fue secuestrada por los terroristas.
My wife has six siblings.
Mi esposa tiene seis hermanos.
He became a widower when his wife died.
Al morir su esposa se quedó viudo.
I read this book in English, but I bought it for my wife in Spanish.
Yo leí este libro en inglés, pero se lo compré a mi esposa en español.
My wife's purse was stolen.
La cartera de mi esposa fue robada.
Yes, I’m searching for a car for my wife.
Sí, busco un carro para mi esposa.
My wife is always cold, she can't stand the cold at all.
Mi esposa es muy friolenta, no soporta el frío para nada.
My wife has a headache.
Mi esposa tiene dolor de cabeza.
Francisco and his wife met in Buenos Aires.
Francisco y su esposa se conocieron en Buenos Aires.
Jorge came with his wife and kids.
Jorge vino con su esposa e hijos.
Mr. Hernández and his wife will have lunch with us day after tomorrow.
El Sr. Hernández y su esposa vendrán a comer con nosotros pasado mañana.
He always hits his wife when he is in a bad mood.
Siempre que está de mal humor le pega a su esposa.
How are your wife and your children?
¿Cómo están tu mujer y tus hijos?
My wife is a doctor. (feminine)
Mi esposa es doctora.
Don Luis and his wife assured us that they would come for Easter week.
Don Luis y su esposa nos aseguraron que vendrían en Semana Santa.
Luis has talked to his wife.
Luis ha hablado con su esposa.
Did he come with his wife?
¿Él vino con su esposa?

His wife, Svetlana Zavadskaya, is on our delegation.
Su esposa, Svetlana Zavadskaya, está en nuestra delegación.
He leaves a wife and three sons.
Ha dejado una viuda y tres hijos.
His wife and family have shared his fate.
Su mujer y su familia han compartido su suerte.
And I, who am his wife, I am often harassed by the police.
Y yo, que soy su esposa, soy acosada a menudo por la policía.
His wife was allowed to leave.
A su esposa se le permitió marchar.
His wife won the election.
Su mujer es la que ha ganado.
My wife was a missionary for this group before I came here.
Mi mujer fue misionera del mismo antes de venir yo aquí.
He has had to return home because his wife is unwell.
Ha tenido que volver a casa, porque su esposa se encontraba enferma.
My wife is the chairman of the parish council.
Mi mujer es presidenta del concejo.
wife of Hu Jia. - Dear friends, I am Hu Jia's wife, Zeng Jinyan.
esposa de Hu Jia. - Queridos amigos, soy la esposa de Hu Jia, Zeng Jinyan.
And that is why I did not bring her to Strasbourg with my mother, my sister and my wife.
Por eso no la he llevado a Estrasburgo, mientras sí he llevado a mi madre, a mi hermana y a mi mujer.
In the past, there was veal when the farmer's wife was in her confinement.
Antiguamente había ternera cuando la mujer del ganadero se ponía de parto.
My wife smoked as well and she still smokes.
Mi mujer también fumaba durante sus embarazos, y sigue haciéndolo, y tenemos tres hijos muy guapos e inteligentes.
The funeral of the President and his wife was held yesterday.
El funeral del Presidente y de su mujer se celebró ayer.
I do not even try to discuss this with my wife, as it is too complicated.
Ni siquiera he intentado hablar de ello con mi esposa, pues me parece demasiado complicado.
I am grateful to the Socialist spokesperson, who knows my wife, for agreeing with me.
Y agradezco al portavoz socialista, que conoce a mi mujer, que coincida conmigo.
He asked for permission to visit her to say goodbye to his dear wife.
Él pidió permiso para visitar a su querida esposa y decirle adiós.
As the wife of a doctor, I am extremely concerned that such research should be allowed to develop.
Como esposa de médico, tengo mucho interés por el desarrollo de la investigación.
Europa was Zeus's wife, the mother of Minos, Sarpedon and Radamanthe.
Europa era la esposa de Zeus, madre de Minos, de Sarpedón, de Radamantis.
Professor Biagi is survived by his wife and two children.
El profesor Biagi deja mujer y dos hijos.
His wife was here, which was a feat in itself, but the man around whom everything revolved was absent.
Vino su esposa, fue muy impresionante, pero él mismo no estuvo presente.
My friend, Mr Barón, spoke about Penelope, the wife of Ulysses.
Mi amigo, el Sr. Barón, hablaba de Penélope, la mujer de Ulises.
I am keen to learn how to do it and want to motivate my wife to show me the ropes.
Estoy deseoso de aprender cómo hacerlo y quiero motivar a mi mujer para que me enseñe.
His requests for permission to telephone his wife, employer and lawyer were all refused.
También le rechazaron sus peticiones de permiso para llamar por teléfono a su esposa, su jefe y su abogado.
Gustaf left his wife, child and family at home in Denmark.
Gustaf dejó a su mujer, un hijo y familia en Dinamarca.
I have just talked to Irina, the imprisoned man’s wife.
Acabo de hablar con Irina, la mujer del encarcelado.
It is the place where I met my wife Sandra at a human rights course.
Aquí conocí a mi mujer, Sandra, en un curso sobre derechos humanos.
He then has EUR 700 left for him, his wife and his two children to live on.
Le quedan 700 euros para vivir él, su mujer y sus dos hijos.
We call here today for his return to his wife, his friends and assistants.
Desde aquí pedimos hoy que vuelva con su esposa, sus amigos y sus ayudantes.
Then when he comes home, he infects his wife and brings the disease into the village.
Vuelve, contagia a su mujer y la enfermedad está en el pueblo.
The job is done by the boss and either the boss's wife or husband.
El trabajo lo realiza el jefe o bien su mujer o marido.
Mr President, a friend of mine lives with AIDS and so does his wife because he received contaminated blood in a transfusion and then unknowingly affected his wife.
Señor Presidente, un amigo mío así como su esposa viven con el SIDA porque él recibió sangre contaminada en una transfusión y luego, sin saberlo, contagió a su esposa.
On the contrary, we are surrounded by women who are much more valuable than us, my wife to name but one.
Al contrario, estamos rodeados de mujeres mucho más valiosas que nosotros, la mía sin ir más lejos.
The population only gets information from the subjective viewpoint of Mr Milosevic and his wife Mrs Markovic.
La población es informada sólo a través de las gafas del Sr. Milosevic y de su esposa Markovic.
For example, I have a wife and two children, and they have children too. I also have siblings and aunts and uncles.
Yo tengo por ejemplo una mujer y dos hijos y estos tienen también hijos; y tengo hermanos, tíos y tías.
I am sorry, but the text is quite clear! It is not possible to apply for a second wife to come!
Disculpen: ?el texto es claro! ?No es posible promover la llegada de una segunda esposa!
It is not enough for Caesar's wife to be respectable, she must also appear to be respectable.
Considero que no basta con que la mujer del César sea honrada, también tiene que parecerlo.
He had been given custody over his children, but they were abducted by his ex-wife and taken to Kenya.
Aunque la custodia de los niños había sido atribuida al padre, la madre se los llevó a Kenia.
I was involved in the British general election and also in the mayor-making of my wife, which is why I was unable to be here.
Estaba participando en las elecciones generales de Gran Bretaña y también en la investidura de mi esposa como alcaldesa, que es lo que me ha impedido poder asistir.
My own wife and family have also been subject to three attacks, which cost the life of a policeman.
También mi propia mujer y su familia han sido objeto de tres atentados, que se cobraron la vida de un policía.
Wife inheritance continues, and experiences of rape and domestic abuse are rife.
Las esposas se siguen heredando, y las experiencias de violación y abusos domésticos son moneda corriente.
In fact, I quote my wife, who said that she had never witnessed a reduction in hairdressers' prices.
De hecho, cito a mi esposa, que dijo que nunca había visto una reducción de los precios de los peluqueros.
A 44-year-old American with a history of psychiatric illnesses was flying with his wife from Miami to Orlando.
Un estadounidense de 44 años de edad con un historial de enfermedad psiquiátrica volaba con su mujer desde Miami a Orlando.
If a husband and wife go out to work and someone is engaged to do the housekeeping, that is a job, not a private pleasure.
Si el marido y la mujer trabajan fuera del hogar y uno de ellos se encarga de las labores del hogar, eso es un trabajo y no un placer privado.
The man managed to walk a couple of kilometres, killed his wife and threw her body out of the window.
El hombre consiguió caminar un par de kilómetros, mató a su mujer y lanzó su cuerpo por la ventana.
His wife at home must be blind if she cannot see that there is quite some activity outside the marital home.
La esposa que tiene en casa debe estar ciega si no ve que está pasando algo fuera del hogar marital.
I take this opportunity to offer a warm welcome to your wife, Mrs Napolitano,
Aprovecho esta oportunidad para dar una calurosa bienvenida a su esposa, señora Napolitano,
Answer: when God, having created Eve, said to Adam: 'choose your wife'.
Respuesta: cuando Dios, después de crear a Eva, dijo a Adán: "escoge a tu mujer".
Last year he and his wife Zeng Jinyan were nominated by the European Parliament for the Sakharov Prize.
El año paso, él y su esposa Zeng Jinyan fueron propuestos para el Premio Sájarov por el Parlamento Europeo.
Madam President, the case of Mr Hu Jia and his wife, unfortunately, is not an isolated one.
Señora Presidenta, desgraciadamente el caso de Hu Jia y su esposa no es un caso aislado.
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