Spanish Word for seriously  

English Word: seriously

Spanish Word: seriamente
The Spanish Word for seriously
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Translated sentences containing 'seriously'
Nobody is seriously hurt.
Nadie está seriamente herido.
He was so seriously injured that he had to have surgery.
Estaba tan gravemente herido que se le tuvo que operar.
As he demonstrated his entire life, he took christianity very seriously.
Tal como lo demostró a lo largo de su vida, él tomó al cristianismo muy enserio.
Smoking seriously damages health.
Fumar perjudica seriamente la salud.
Are you seriously injured? (m)
¿Está gravemente herido?
They haven't taken me seriously.
No me han tomado en serio.
seriously ill
Gravemente enfermo
Did you take the threat seriously?
¿Te tomaste su amenaza en serio?
It's not a joke, take it seriously.
No es broma, tómatelo en serio.
The patient continues seriously wounded.
El paciente continúa gravemente herido.
The geriatrician says that the grandfather is seriously ill
El geriatra dice que el abuelo está muy grave.

He does not take them seriously!
¡No se las toma en serio!
We cannot seriously accept this.
No podemos aceptarlo.
That cannot be taken seriously.
Esto no es serio.
We should look at that seriously.
Debemos abordar esto de manera seria.
Seriously, I do not think we should do that.
Hablando con seriedad diré que no me parece que debemos obrar de esa manera.
We do not take it seriously.
Esto no se toma en serio.
As they say, people who do not take themselves seriously are not taken seriously by others.
Como dicen, la gente que no se toma en serio a sí misma no es tomada en serio por los demás.
If you do not take yourself seriously, then others will not take you seriously either.
Si uno no se toma a sí mismo en serio, los demás tampoco lo van a hacer.
And the second is this: ‘He who does not take himself seriously will not be taken seriously by others’.
El segundo reza: «Quien no se toma en serio a sí mismo, no será tomado en serio por los demás».
China takes Europe quite seriously, but not perhaps as seriously as it should.
China se toma a Europa muy en serio, pero tal vez no tanto como debería.
We need to take this responsibility seriously.
Debemos tomarnos en serio este cometido.
I seriously question that point.
Cuestiono seriamente esa opinión.
That really must be taken seriously.
Es un tema que realmente debe tomarse en serio.
I would ask the Commission to take that very seriously.
A este respecto, pido a la Comisión que realice con toda seriedad esta tarea.
This is something that we have to address seriously in the future.
Es algo de lo que deberemos ocuparnos muy seriamente en el futuro.
The Commission has taken us seriously.
Esta institución nos ha tomado en serio.
This is shoddy work and cannot be taken seriously.
Es una chapuza. No es serio.
There is something seriously wrong here.
Aquí hay un grave error.
That warning has to be taken seriously.
La advertencia tiene que tomarse en serio.
That is a matter which must be taken seriously.
Esto es algo que conviene tomar en serio.
I feel that we have to take this extremely seriously.
En mi opinión, debemos tomarnos esto con absoluta seriedad.
Who would seriously call their data into question?
¿Ha presentado la Comisión una propuesta que contiene medidas para recuperar los stocks de bacalao y merluza? Ambas especies están seriamente en peligro.
We have reason to take these concerns seriously.
Hay que tomar en serio esos temores.
I take the timeshare issue very seriously.
Yo me tomo muy en serio la cuestión del uso de inmuebles en régimen de tiempo compartido.
It is absolutely right that it should be taken seriously.
Es muy cierto que debe tomarse con toda la seriedad que merece.
This seriously harms the competitiveness of those mixtures.
Esta circunstancia perjudica gravemente la competitividad de dichas mezclas.
We as Socialists take employment seriously.
Nosotros, como socialistas, nos tomamos el empleo en serio.
We ought to take their arguments seriously at least.
Como mínimo, tendríamos que tomar sus argumentos en serio.
It is very important that we take equality seriously.
Es muy importante que nos tomemos en serio la igualdad.
I think that we should seriously ask that question.
Pienso que tenemos que plantearnos seriamente la cuestión.
The competitiveness of the railways has seriously decreased.
La competitividad de los ferrocarriles ha disminuido seriamente.
And therefore competitiveness is being seriously harmed.
Y la competitividad por tanto, está siendo profundamente dañada.
No wonder that the EU is not taken seriously.
No cabe duda de que no se está tomando en serio a la UE.
What we are doing is finally taking ourselves seriously.
Lo que estamos haciendo es, por fin, tomarnos a nosotros mismos en serio.
Monitoring too must be taken seriously.
El seguimiento también debe tomarse en serio.
No, no one takes us seriously!
¡No, nadie nos toma en serio!
It is vital that those processes are taken seriously.
Es fundamental que esos procesos se tomen en serio.
Brokering, too, is to be taken rather more seriously.
Las actividades de intermediación se deben tratar con mayor seriedad.
Can anyone take this seriously?
¿Quién puede tomarse esto en serio?
However, it is important that it should be taken seriously.
No obstante, es importante que esto se tome en serio.
Only then will we tackle bureaucracy seriously.
Solo entonces afrontaremos seriamente la burocracia.
These are points I take very seriously.
Se trata de puntos que yo me tomo muy en serio.
We take these matters extremely seriously.
Estos asuntos nos los tomamos con enorme seriedad.
This House is taking this problem seriously.
Esta Cámara se toma en serio ese problema.
We surely cannot take this seriously.
Sin duda no nos podemos tomar esto en serio.
That is the one thing, but I seriously wanted ...
Esto en primer lugar, pero realmente quiero que...
Do we wish to be taken seriously in this realm or not?
¿Queremos que se nos tome en serio en este terreno o no?
Are we, then, still taking our citizens seriously?
Y en tal caso, ¿nos tomamos realmente en serio a los ciudadanos?
The fact is that I cannot seriously believe that they will be.
Lo cierto es que no puedo creer que lo sean.
I urge you to take this issue very seriously.
Le ruego que afronte este asunto con la mayor seriedad.
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