Spanish Word for representative  

English Word: representative

Spanish Word: representante, substituto
The Spanish Word for representative
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I will transfer you inmediately with a representative.
Voy a transferirlo inmediatamente con un representante.
I want to be a representative, but a good representative.
Quiero ser representante, pero un buen representante.
Our official tax representative is available to assist you after the sale.
Nuestro representante fiscal está disponible para ayudarlo después de la venta.
She is a union representative.
Ella es una representante del sindicato.
She is a representative from the agency.
Ella es una representante de la agencia.
She is a representative of the seller.
Ella es una representante del vendedor.
She is a representative of the buyer.
Ella es una representante del comprador.
His post is not official, he's just a representative.
Su puesto no es oficial, es sólo representativo.
I will connect you with a help desk representative immediately.
Voy a transferirlo inmediatamente con un representante de soporte técnico.

I maintain that they are not representative.
Sostengo que no son representativas.
It is a representative democracy.
Es una democracia representativa.
But I do hope that a representative is here.
De todas formas, espero que el Consejo esté presente.
One representative from Hong Kong, one representative from Switzerland and one representative from Australia.
Un representante de Hong Kong, un representante de Suiza, un representante de Australia.
If you, as a representative of the Council do not know, then perhaps you know as a representative of Sweden?
Si usted no lo sabe en su calidad de Presidente en ejercicio del Consejo, ¿no lo sabrá acaso como representante de Suecia?
I would like to welcome to the Chamber the representative of the Council and the representative of the Commission.
Quisiera dar la bienvenida a esta Cámara tanto al representante del Consejo como al de la Comisión.
How representative can ICANN be considered to be?
¿Qué representatividad se atribuye a la ICANN?
I did say it yesterday to your representative.
Ya se lo dije ayer a su sustituto.
How representative will these elections be?
¿Hasta qué punto serán representativas dichas elecciones?
You mentioned the work of the High Representative.
Usted ha hablado de la tarea del Alto Representante.
This raises the issue of how representative they actually are.
Eso plantea, en efecto, el problema de su representatividad.
As a representative of Austria, I know what I am talking about.
Como representante de Austria sé de lo que hablo.
No representative of the Council is present.
No está presente ningún representante del Consejo.
This is a representative example of what has not been achieved.
Éste es un ejemplo paradigmático de lo que no se ha hecho.
When I first met him he was an Ulivo representative.
Yo le conocí como representante del Olivo.
I have heard what the representative of the Council has said.
He escuchado lo que ha dicho el representante del Consejo.
It is critical for me as a Scottish representative in the House.
Esto es esencial para mí como representante escocés en esta Asamblea.
I believe that those present in the House are representative.
Creo que los que estamos presentes en esta Cámara somos representativos.
How can you, as our representative, accept such a thing?
¿Cómo puede usted, como representante nuestro, aceptar tal cosa?
Our representative is in the area, but is that enough?
Hemos enviado a la zona a nuestro representante, pero ¿es eso suficiente?
I say that as a representative of a minority.
Lo digo en calidad de representante de una minoría.
As a representative of Poland, I fully agree with you on this.
Como representante de Polonia, estoy plenamente de acuerdo con usted sobre este punto.
I am glad the representative supports that course.
Me complace que el representante respalde esta idea.
The first concerns the requirement for a representative.
El primero está relacionado con la necesidad de un representante.
The Council representative has referred to these.
El representante del Consejo se ha referido a ellas.
Let the representative democracy do its work!
¡Dejemos que la democracia representativa haga su trabajo!
Thank you very much, High Representative.
Muchísimas gracias, señor Alto Representante.
Today that is the number of the High Representative.
Hoy es el número del señor Alto Representante.
The same thing applies to the High Representative.
Otro tanto sucede con el Alto Representante.
For the SkyEurope representative, this was only a statistic.
Para el representante de SkyEurope, se trataba tan sólo de una estadística.
You mentioned the High Representative.
Asimismo ha hablado acerca del Alto Representante.
She was then my special representative for the Caucasus.
Por entonces, ella era mi representante especial para el Cáucaso.
Which programmes would have priority here, for you, High Representative?
¿Qué programas tendrían aquí prioridad para usted, señora Alta Representante?
I agree with the High Representative in this regard.
Estoy de acuerdo con la Alta Representante en este sentido.
I therefore expect the High Representative...
Así que espero que la Alta Representante...
I remain a supporter of representative democracy.
Sigo siendo partidario de la democracia representativa.
It is the only player and the only representative of the Member States.
Es la figura única y representante de los Estados miembros.
I thank the representative from the Council for their answer.
Agradezco su respuesta al representante del Consejo.
I thank the representative from the Council for their answer.
Agradezco al representante del Consejo su respuesta.
Unfortunately, the Council representative was not present.
Lamentablemente, el Consejo no se encontraba presente todavía.
My thanks to the Council's representative for his answer.
Gracias, seor Delegado del Consejo, por su respuesta.
I am directing this particularly at our Bavarian representative here.
Lo digo también dirigiéndome a nuestro representante bávaro aquí presente.
Social partners should be sufficiently representative.
Los interlocutores sociales deben ser suficientemente representativos.
As a representative of Irish fishermen I have no difficulty with it at all.
Como representante de los pescadores irlandeses el documento no me crea ninguna dificultad.
The Commission representative is not yet present.
En este momento no tenemos la representación de la Comisión.
Lastly, a question to the Council representative.
Finalmente, una pregunta al representante del Consejo.
We cannot say to the Council that it has no representative value.
No se le puede decir al Consejo que no tenga valor representativo.
It is a shame that the Council representative is no longer here.
Es una pena que el Consejo ya no esté presente.
The institutions are having to become more representative.
Las instituciones están teniendo que hacerse más representativas.
Thirdly, we refused to appoint a Special Representative in the Committee because a Special Representative is impossible to control.
En tercer lugar, rechazamos el nombramiento de un Representante Especial en la comisión porque es imposible controlar a un Representante Especial.
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