Spanish Word for refer  

English Word: refer

Spanish Word: referirse
The Spanish Word for refer
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If you encounter a problem, refer to the manual.
Si encuentra algún problema, remítase a la documentación.
I refer
yo refiero

You refer to the KLA.
Su Señoría hace observaciones respecto del ELK.
I shall refer to some of them.
Voy a referirme a algunas de ellas.
I refer to the Deutschmark.
¿Qué ocurrirá con los marcos alemanes?
So it is relevant to refer to this.
Por ello es importante hacer referencia a esto.
To whom, if not to democrats, should it refer?
¿A quién debería mencionar, si no a los demócratas?
Here I refer to Russian.
Me estoy refiriendo al ruso.
I would like to refer to some of them.
Me gustaría referirme a algunas de ellas.
I only intend to refer to a few of these.
Sólo quiero mencionar algunas.
To what interests do you refer?
¿A qué intereses se refiere?
I cannot refer to them all for lack of time but I would like to refer to two of them.
No puedo analizarlos todos por falta de tiempo, pero quisiera hacer referencia a dos de ellos.
I am very familiar with the programmes which you refer to.
Soy buena conocedora de los programas a los que usted alude.
So I refer to the things I do not agree with.
Así, me referiré a aquello con lo que no estoy de acuerdo.
I refer to point 9.
Se trata del apartado 9.
I want to refer to the political position here.
Quiero referirme a la posición política que existe aquí.
For example, I would not refer to the government of Nicosia.
Por ejemplo, yo no diría "el Gobierno de Nicosia" ».
I would once again refer to the Erika, but there are also other examples.
Me refiero nuevamente a la catástrofe del "Erika" pero también a otros casos.
We will refer to that on our website.
Nos referiremos a esa cuestión en nuestro espacio web.
I was not sure, so we should refer it to the Rules Committee.
No estaba seguro, por lo que deberíamos recurrir a la Comisión de Reglamento.
I refer very specifically to closer cooperation.
Me refiero más concretamente a la potenciación de la cooperación.
And I refer, in particular, to the Greek pensioners.
Y me refiero sobre todo a los pensionistas de Grecia.
Allow me to refer to what was said in this committee.
Permítanme referirme a lo que se dijo en esta comisión.
We also refer to that principle in the report.
En el informe destacamos este principio.
I should like to refer to just two of them.
Voy a referirme sólo a dos de ellas.
I refer to your comments on recovery plans.
Le remito a sus comentarios sobre los planes de recuperación.
I refer to coordination and control.
Coordinación y control.
I would rather refer to democratic governance.
Preferiría decir democratic governance.
I refer to what has already been said.
Me remito a lo que se ha dicho.
I refer to just two aspects.
Me refiero sólo a dos aspectos.
I once again refer to the 'capacity declaration' .
Me remito una vez más a la denominada declaración de capacidad.
I refer to Amendment No 78.
Se trata de la enmienda 78 y yo les pido que la apoyen.
I refer here in particular to my own country, Greece.
Y me refiero especialmente a mi país, a Grecia.
However, I would refer once again to the associated risks.
No obstante, debo poner de relieve una vez más los riesgos asociados a las mismas.
I refer, of course, to the example of Denmark.
Por supuesto, me estoy refiriendo al ejemplo de Dinamarca.
I refer to the ECHELON debate of this morning.
En este marco me remito con mucho gusto al debate sobre ECHELON de esta mañana.
It is very considerate of you to refer to Article 308.
La referencia al artículo 308 es una muestra de cortesía.
I shall now refer to management.
Seguidamente hablaré de la gestión.
In any case, I would like to refer to this declaration.
En cualquier caso, quiero referirme a ella.
The problem is that they refer to different dates.
Contienen diversas fechas.
There is the question of administration, what some refer to as gouvernance.
Está el tema de la gestión, lo que algunos llaman 'gouvernance?.
We will refer the matter to the Quaestors.
Informaré a los Cuestores de esta queja.
I refer to structural grants and agriculture.
Me refiero a los fondos estructurales y a la agricultura.
I will refer firstly to immigration.
Me voy a referir, en primer lugar, a la inmigración.
We will refer that matter to the President.
Transmitiremos esta cuestión al Presidente.
I would like to refer to three in particular.
Voy a referirme a tres en particular.
I do not refer simply to food aid.
No me refiero sólo a la ayuda alimentaria.
I refer to the Europe of the institutions.
Me refiero a la Europa institucional.
I would refer the detractors of the Morillon report to this.
A él remito a los detractores del informe Morillon.
I should like to refer to Kaliningrad.
Me gustaría referirme a Kaliningrado.
I refer to private storage.
Finally, I will refer to the how and the when of the reform.
Por último, me referiré al cómo y el cuándo de la reforma.
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