Spanish Word for recently  

English Word: recently

Spanish Word: recientemente
The Spanish Word for recently
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Translated sentences containing 'recently'
Have you lost weight recently?
¿Ha perdido peso recientemente?
Recently, kiwis are easy to find in any fruit shop
De un tiempo a esta parte, los kiwis son fáciles de encontrar en cualquier frutería
The kitchen has just recently been remodeled.
La cocina ha sido remodelada hace poco.
The sign said "Recently Painted".
El cartel decía: "Recién pintado ".
Recently, sources close to the soccer player locate him in Paris.
Recientemente fuentes cercanas al futbolísta lo sitúan en París.
Has he had pain in his neck recently?
¿Ha tenido dolor en el cuello recientemente?
I have recently made a couple of purchases with the credit card.
Últimamente he realizado un par de compras con la tarjeta de crédito.
Have you mown the lawn recently?
¿Has cortado el césped recientemente?
a short while ago/the other day/recently
hace poco / el otro día / recientemente
The bench was recently painted.
El banco estaba recién pintado.
My brother has lost a lot of weight recently.
Mi hermano ha adelgazado mucho últimamente.

I have been there recently myself.
He estado allí recientemente.
That has only happened recently.
Esto no se hecho hasta hace poco.
That is what we have been told recently.
Eso es lo que nos han dicho recientemente.
I spoke of that recently.
He hablado de ello recientemente.
Recently, there has been a respite.
Hace poco hemos tenido una tregua.
Recently there have again been even more of them.
En los últimos tiempos incluso han vuelto a aumentar.
That was not the case until recently.
No era así, en el fondo, hasta hace poco.
This is what we have been witnessing recently.
Esto lo estamos viendo y lo hemos vivido recientemente.
I mentioned this again to Commissioner Monti recently.
Recientemente se lo mencioné otra vez al Comisario Monti.
CCL recently branded them terrorists.
CCL les calificó hace poco como terroristas.
I did not hear that mentioned recently.
No he oído mencionar este punto últimamente.
I spoke at length on this in Stockholm recently.
Recientemente hablé largo y tendido sobre ello en Estocolmo.
Recently a Commission official said to me that we could not do this.
Recientemente, un funcionario de la Comisión me dijo que no podríamos hacerlo.
That is the one thing that we have learned recently.
Eso es algo que hemos aprendido recientemente.
That was in front of our Members very recently.
Eso ocurrió en presencia de nuestros diputados muy recientemente.
We have heard some alarming reports recently.
Últimamente nos han llegado noticias bastante alarmantes.
We recently experienced the Prestige disaster.
Recientemente lo hemos visto con el desastre del Prestige.
We have recently had the Danner ruling.
Recientemente hemos tenido el reglamento Danner.
This has been demonstrated again recently by the OECD.
Este extremo ha quedado demostrado recientemente una vez más por la OCDE.
Its premises were searched only recently.
Sus locales fueron registrados hace poco.
Very recently, has described this as exemplary.
Hace muy poco ha tildado esto de ejemplar.
No, it is not, because refugee applications have fallen recently.
No, no es eso, ya que las solicitudes de refugiados han disminuido en los últimos tiempos.
Recently, there have been some encouraging signals.
Últimamente ha habido algunas señales alentadoras.
Until recently we said no to Croatia.
Hasta hace poco dijimos no a Croacia.
Recently the Constitutional Treaty was voted down.
Hace poco fue rechazado el Tratado Constitucional.
However, recently this has not occurred.
Pero en los últimos tiempos no ha sido así.
I am, then, all the more astonished by what has been going on recently.
Por esto, me ha dejado especialmente anonadado lo que ha estado ocurriendo al final.
The Pericles programme has recently been evaluated.
El programa Pericles se ha evaluado recientemente.
Recently, the news has been good.
Últimamente, las noticias han sido buenas.
In this regard, we have recently been talking about 'flexicurity'.
En ese sentido, recientemente hemos estado hablando de la "flexiguridad".
That establishment recently reacted aggressively once again.
Recientemente, dichos estamentos han reaccionado de manera agresiva una vez más.
We have recently made an overview of this.
Recientemente hemos realizado una revisión de este asunto.
We have recently checked this. It has been a great success.
Recientemente hemos comprobado la viabilidad de esta idea y ha sido un gran éxito.
For example, we recently did this for a motorway in Greece.
Por ejemplo, hace poco lo utilizamos para la construcción de una autopista en Grecia.
We discussed this recently in the Schlyter report.
Ésta es una cuestión que abordamos recientemente en el informe de Schlyter.
I have recently been in quite a few school classrooms.
He visitado recientemente un buen número de aulas escolares.
Demand has grown significantly recently.
En los últimos tiempos la demanda ha aumentado significativamente.
I hear that you were in Nigeria recently.
Por lo que he oído, estuvo usted en Nigeria recientemente.
Recently some pictures have been published about where it is produced.
Hace poco se han publicado algunas fotos del lugar en el que se produce.
Recently, a journalist was killed.
Recientemente, un periodista ha sido asesinado.
I recently met with some producers in my constituency.
Recientemente, me he reunido con algunos productores de mi circunscripción.
We appreciate the progress that has been achieved recently.
Valoramos el progreso que han conseguido recientemente.
We had an example of this as recently as yesterday in Italy.
Vimos un ejemplo de ello justamente ayer en Italia.
I was recently in Banja Luka and Sarajevo.
Estuve recientemente en Banja Luka y Sarajevo.
The Denver flight showed that recently.
El vuelo de Denver dejó evidencia de ello hace poco.
It could only be applied to recently created works.
De hecho, sólo se podría aplicar a las obras de reciente creación.
We have been seeing an intensification of this process recently.
Hemos observado una intensificación de este proceso últimamente.
I heard this most recently here in plenary today.
Lo he escuchado aquí, en el Pleno de hoy.
It is a new directive which was recently adopted.
Es una nueva directiva que se acaba de aprobar.
In Finland we recently had elections.
En Finlandia hemos celebrado hace poco elecciones.
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