Spanish Word for pleasure  

English Word: pleasure

Spanish Word: agradar, placer, disfrute, agrado, delicia
The Spanish Word for pleasure
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Translated sentences containing 'pleasure'
With much pleasure. I'll see you next week.
Con mucho gusto. Nos vemos la semana entrante.
It is not a nuisance but a pleasure.
No es una molestia sino un placer.
Will you attend the class with me? Yes, with pleasure, I will attend the class with you.
¿Asistirás la clase conmigo? Sí, con mucho gusto, asistiré la clase contigo.
It will be a pleasure to have dinner with you.
Será un placer cenar contigo.
It was a pleasure meeting you and I hope to see you again soon.
Fue un placer conocerle a Ud. y espero volver a verle pronto.
When you see your boss, tell him that it was a pleasure to meet him.
Cuando veas a tu jefe, dile que me dio mucho gusto conocerlo.
We were so sorry that we had to cancel the dinner; it would have been such a pleasure to meet you.
Sentimos haber tenido que cancelar la cena; habría sido un placer conocerlos.
I'll bring it to you with pleasure.
Con gusto se la traigo.
Will you please tell me about your mother? Yes, with pleasure, I will tell you about my mother.
¿Me contarás de tu mamá por favor? Sí, con placer, te contaré de mi mamá.
I didn't have the pleasure of meeting her.
No tuve el placer de conocerla.
Yes, with pleasure, I will take you and we will take the class together.
Sí, con gusto, te llevaré y tomaremos la clase juntos.
If you pursue pleasure, you get chained to suffering.
Si persigues el placer te encadenas al sufrimiento.
Do you walk for pleasure? Yes, of course, I walk because I like to.
¿Te paseas para el placer? Sí, por supuesto, me paseo porque me gusta.
I will wait on them with much pleasure.
Les atenderé con mucho gusto.
to find pleasure in
Encontrar placer en
Yes, of course, I will help you with pleasure.
Sí, como no, te ayudaré con mucho gusto.

It is a pleasure for me to do so.
Es un placer para mí hacerlo.
It has been a pleasure to work with you.
¡Ha sido un placer trabajar con ustedes!
We should not do that with any pleasure, but there are limits.
No lo haríamos con gusto, pero hay límites.
It is a pleasure to see you.
Me alegro de verlo.
I have not had the pleasure of working with her before.
No he tenido ocasión de trabajar con ella anteriormente.
It has been a pleasure to collaborate with her.
Ha sido un placer colaborar con ella.
It has been a pleasure to work with him.
Ha sido un verdadero placer para mí trabajar con él.
It was a pleasure to watch her.
Fue un placer contemplarla.
This was a real pleasure.
Es un verdadero placer.
That has been a great pleasure.
Esto ha sido un gran placer.
It has been a pleasure to work with you all.
Ha sido un placer trabajar con todos ustedes.
It has been a pleasure to work with you all.
Ha sido un placer trabajar con todos ustedes.
It is a pleasure to see you here.
Es un placer verla aquí.
It is a pleasure to see you here.
Es un placer tenerle entre nosotros.
It was very successful and it has been a pleasure working with the presidency.
Fueron muy fructíferos y ha sido un placer colaborar con la Presidencia.
Minister, it is a great pleasure to see you here again.
Señora ministra, es una satisfacción para mí volver a encontrarla en este recinto.
I will answer with pleasure.
. (EN) Responderé con mucho gusto.
It was a great pleasure to work with him.
Ha sido un gran placer trabajar con él.
It has been a great pleasure to cooperate with you.
Ha sido un gran placer colaborar contigo.
This is an excellent report and it was a pleasure to work with you.
El informe es excelente y también fue una satisfacción colaborar con usted.
This gives me great pleasure.
Me alegro de ello.
It was a pleasure to start off with a Dutch rapporteur.
Ha sido un placer empezar la presidencia con un ponente neerlandés.
It is a pleasure to work with Dr Buseck.
Es un placer trabajar con el Dr. Buseck.
It has been a pleasure to work on this report.
Ha sido interesante trabajar en la redacción de este informe.
It is a great pleasure and honour to have you present.
Es para nosotros una gran alegría y honor que usted esté aquí presente.
So I have the pleasure of presenting his report on his behalf.
Por ello, tengo el placer de presentar este informe en su nombre.
It is therefore a pleasure to stand in for him today.
Por lo tanto, es para mí un placer hablar hoy en su nombre.
It has been a genuine pleasure to work with you.
Ha sido un verdadero placer para mí trabajar con usted.
Firstly, it is a great pleasure to have the Commissioner here.
En primer lugar, es un gran placer tener aquí a la señora Comisaria.
The conciliation procedure was a real pleasure.
El procedimiento de conciliación fue francamente satisfactorio.
It has been a great pleasure to work with him on this matter.
Ha sido un gran placer trabajar con él en esta cuestión.
This year, I had the pleasure of preparing it.
Este año he tenido el placer de elaborarlo yo.
It has been my pleasure to work with the Members of this Parliament.
Ha sido un placer trabajar con sus Señorías.
A Convention was set up, in which I myself had the pleasure of participating.
Se creó una Convención en la que tuve el placer de participar.
I do regret that we take no pleasure in that.
Lamento que no nos regocijemos con ello.
   I have been following this debate closely and with pleasure.
   He seguido muy de cerca y con gran placer este debate.
It is a pleasure to be here once again to answer on behalf of the Council.
Es un placer comparecer de nuevo ante esta Cámara para responder en nombre del Consejo.
Once again, it has been a great pleasure for me to do business with you.
Una vez más, ha sido un gran placer para mí trabajar con ustedes.
It has been a pleasure to have been able to work in this House.
Ha sido un placer haber podido trabajar en esta Cámara.
It has also been a pleasure to work with him.
También ha sido un placer trabajar con él.
Mr President, it has been a pleasure working with you.
Señor Presidente, ha sido un placer trabajar con usted.
I must say that it was a pleasure to work with them.
Debo decirles que ha sido un placer trabajar con ellos.
It has, overall, been a pleasure to cooperate with them on this matter.
En general, ha sido un placer cooperar con ellos sobre esta cuestión.
It has been a pleasure to work on this report.
Ha sido un placer trabajar en este informe.
It has been a great pleasure to be involved in this work.
Ha sido un gran placer participar en este trabajo.
It must always be a pleasure for you to be here!
Siempre será un placer tenerle aquí.
It was a pleasure to work with the Commission and with the Council.
Ha sido un placer colaborar con la Comisión y con el Consejo.
Mr President, it is a pleasure.
Presidente en ejercicio del Consejo. - (FR) Señor Presidente, un placer.
This fills me with great pleasure.
Pues para mí esto es un auténtico placer.
It was a real pleasure to work with you.
Fue un verdadero placer trabajar con usted.
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