Spanish Word for pay  

English Word: pay (n)

Spanish Word: salario
The Spanish Word for pay (n)
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Translated sentences containing 'pay'
Was there any discount?
¿Hubo algún descuento?
How much did you pay?
¿Cuánto pagaste?
Whom do we pay?
¿A quién pagamos?
We pay for lunch.
Os pagamos la comida.
I hope he will pay.
Espero que page.
The waiter asks that you pay the bill.
El mesero os ruega que paguéis la cuenta.
I forgot to pay the electric bill.
Olvidé pagar el recibo de la luz.
I will pay for your dinner.
Yo le invito a la cena.
I paid him but I didn't pay her.
A él sí se lo pagué, pero a ella no.
It was clear in advance that he wasn't going to pay.
Estaba claro de antemano que no iba a pagar.
You are a student but you will have to pay.
Eres estudiante pero tendrás que pagar.
I will pay you every Friday.
Yo le pagaré todos los viernes.
You will have to pay customs duties.
Tendrá usted que pagar los derechos de aduana.
I have to pay $110.
Yo tengo que pagar ciento diez dólares.
They want me to pay in cash.
Quieren que pague en efectivo.
They demand you to pay more.
Exigen que pages más.
The company suggests that we pay in installments.
La compañía sugiere que paguemos a plazos.
We pay $1.30 a gallon.
Nosotros pagamos un dólar treinta centavos el galón.
If you had had to pay it, you wouldn't have money now.
Si hubieras tenido que pagarlo no tendrías dinero ahora.
We will pay you every Friday.
Le pagaremos todos los viernes.

We all have to pay for it.
Todos tenemos que pagarlo.
We had to pay for it.
Entonces calculamos su precio.
You do not pay for the printing, you do not pay for the transport.
El destinatario no paga a la imprenta ni paga el transporte.
Of course it cannot pay, but who should pay the price?
Desde luego, no puede serlo, pero ¿quién tiene que abonar la factura?
First of all: who should pay?
En primer lugar: ¿quién pagará?
The polluter ought to pay.
Quien contamina debe pagar.
Who is going to pay?
¿Quién pagará?
They pay the price for that.
Pagan por ello.
Whom do we want them to pay?
¿A quién queremos que paguen?
Why do they have to pay tax?'
¿Por qué tienen que pagar impuestos?"
Who is to pay for the countryside?
¿Quién va a pagar para que los campos estén limpios?
And what price do we pay?
¿Esto a costa de qué?
The Union should pay for that.
La Unión debería hacerse cargo de los gastos.
Who is going to pay for it?
¿Quién correrá con los gastos?
We should not be discussing pay.
No deberíamos estar discutiendo sobre las pagas.
That would pay for all those agencies.
Esto compensaría el aumento para todas esas agencias.
Especially for those who do not pay.
Sobre todo para los que no pagan.
No, they must pay for this themselves.
No, esto deben pagarlo ellos mismos.
They do not have to pay the levy at all.
No tienen que pagar el recargo en absoluto.
Why should they be made to pay?
¿Por qué les haremos pagar?
Who is going to pay for it?
¿Quién va a pagar esto?
And all this with no thought of who would pay.
Y todo esto sin pensar ni siquiera quién pagará.
Who will pay for this?
¿Quién lo pagará?
Who is going to pay for all this?
¿Quién va a pagar todo esto?
Who is going to pay?
¿Quién va a pagar?
Doing so is to pay unnecessarily.
No es necesario pagar para ello.
Who will pay for them?
¿Quién pagará por ellas?
No, because they were unable to pay for it.
No, no se la podía pagar.
Once again, it does not pay to be honest.
También en este caso el honrado hace desgraciadamente el tonto.
Who is going to pay for that?
¿Quién lo pagará?
But how and who is going to pay for it?
Pero ¿cómo y quién corre con los gastos?
But it is the polluter who should pay.
El contaminador debe pagar.
They say and we pay.
Ellos deciden y nosotros pagamos.
Someone has to pay for it.
¿Quién va a sufragarlo?
It is for us to pay.
Somos nosotros quienes debemos pagar.
It would be the same as withholding pay.
Sería lo mismo que dejar de pagar los debidos salarios.
If we do that, we pay his memory the best tribute we could pay.
Haciendo esto rendiremos el mejor homenaje posible a su memoria.
It was too expensive a price to pay and we are not willing to pay it again.
Pagamos un precio demasiado caro y no estamos dispuestos a volver a pagarlo.
We can then pay ourselves for storage, pay ourselves for not producing, and even pay ourselves again for producing, storing and exporting.
¡No es posible, señor Comisario Fischler!
Clearly the paedophiles do not pay cash, they pay by credit card.
Parece claro que los pedófilos no pagan en efectivo, sino con la tarjeta de crédito.
Those who can afford to pay would pay relatively more for energy.
Los que se lo puedan permitir pagarían relativamente más por la energía.
The aim is to make everyone pay, so that each individual has to pay less.
El objetivo es que todos paguen, de modo que cada uno pague menos.
They know that they will have to pay, but German taxpayers cannot always pay.
Ellos saben que tendrán que pagar, pero los contribuyentes alemanes no pueden pagar siempre.
Lorries are to pay more, which means that the owners of transport firms are to pay more.
Los camiones deberán pagar más, lo que significa que los propietarios de las empresas de transporte deberán pagar más.
The Union must inevitably pay what it has promised to pay.
La Unión, inevitablemente, tiene que pagar lo que se ha comprometido a pagar.
If the polluter does not pay, it is the people who are getting sick who pay.
Si el contaminador no paga, las que pagan son las personas que enferman.
But a warning is in order - late pay and slow pay are not the same thing.
De todos modos, cabe hacer una advertencia: no es lo mismo un pago retrasado que un pago lento.
Science does not pay any attention to the poor areas because they do not have any money to pay for it.
La ciencia no se ocupa de las zonas pobres, porque no tienen dinero para pagarle.
I receive, therefore I pay. I give you subsidies, on condition that you pay for them.
Pago, luego recibo; recibo, luego pago; yo les doy subvenciones a condición de que ustedes las paguen.
Ultimately, the polluter must pay.
En última instancia, el que contamina debe pagar.
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