Spanish Word for killed  

English Word: killed

Spanish Word: matado[Adjective]
The Spanish Word for killed
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Translated sentences containing 'killed'
If he had lost it, I would have killed him.
Si lo hubiera perdido le habría matado.
Were dinosaurs killed by meteors.
Los dinosaurios fueron extinguidos por meteoritos.
If he had seen me, he would have killed me.
Si me hubiera visto me habría matado.
The state employees would have received a harsher punishment if they would have killed a dog.
Los empleados estatales habrían recibido un castigo más duro si hubieran matado a un perro.
The nephews, who were very smart, killed the uncle.
Los sobrinos, que eran muy listos, asesinaron al tío.
Many people have been killed in wars.
Ha muerto mucha gente en la guerra.

Many of them were killed.
Muchos de ellos fueron asesinados.
A demonstrator was killed there.
Además, no se trata solo de que ocurriera un accidente.
They have probably been killed.
Probablemente fueron muertas.
The Basques have killed a Basque; the Spanish have killed a Spaniard; Europeans have killed a European.
Vascos han matado a un vasco; españoles han matado a un español; europeos han matado a un europeo.
In Germany a young man killed 15 people and then killed himself.
En Alemania, un joven había matado a quince personas y luego se había suicidado.
Thousands of fish and birds have been killed.
They were both killed by a gunshot to the head.
Los dos fueron muertos con un disparo en la cabeza.
Hundreds of people have been killed.
Cientos de personas han sido asesinadas.
They have been tortured in the past and their colleagues have been killed.
En el pasado fueron torturados y sus colegas fueron asesinados.
Israeli civilians and children are being killed.
También mueren civiles y niños israelíes.
Journalists are being killed, threatened and persecuted.
Se asesina, se amenaza y se veja a periodistas.
Thousands of its people have been killed.
Miles de personas murieron asesinadas.
We do not even know the numbers that were killed.
Ni siquiera sabemos el número de muertos.
Of course he killed others too.
Por supuesto, también mató a otros.
Several people have been killed.
Varias personas han sido asesinadas.
Robin Hood could not be killed.
Robin Hood no podía ser asesinado.
Over a hundred were killed during the demonstration.
Más de cien fueron asesinados durante la manifestación.
'Yes,' says the child, 'but he could have killed me.'
"Sí", contesta el niño, "pero me podría haber matado".
It was killed by the most repressive regime on earth.
Lo mató el régimen más represivo que existe en el planeta.
Young people should be educated, not killed.
A los menores se les debe educar, no matar.
He also killed a policeman.
Mató también a un policía.
'And Cain rose up against his brother and killed him'.
Pues leemos "Caín se tiró contra Abel y lo mató".
Recently, a journalist was killed.
Recientemente, un periodista ha sido asesinado.
The policeman who was killed was married and had children.
Este agente asesinado estaba casado y tenía hijos.
The issue is whether they are killed humanely or not.
El tema es si las matamos con humanidad o no.
These people were killed by murderers, by criminals.
Estas personas fueron asesinadas por criminales.
The terrorists were also killed.
Los terroristas también murieron.
800 people killed to date.
800 muertos hasta la fecha.
The government killed civilians in shellfire.
El gobierno mató a civiles en bombardeos.
When they were under attack, when their citizens were being killed, it was not easy for them.
No era fácil para ellos estar siendo atacados y ver cómo asesinaban a sus ciudadanos.
Tourism, as I said, has been killed off.
Como acabo de decir, se ha asesinado al turismo.
People were killed, and that is terrible.
Es terrible que se hayan producido muertos.
It was killing while Nazism killed.
Mataba mientras lo hacía el nazismo.
There, the opposition was also imprisoned and killed.
Aquí también se ha metido en la cárcel a la oposición y se la ha asesinado.
And civilians were killed in the aerial bombardments too.
Los bombardeos aéreos de la población civil también.
Some policemen killed her in a Sabena aeroplane.
Unos policías la mataron en un avión de Sabena.
Over the years a third of the population has been killed.
A lo largo de los años un tercio de la población ha sido asesinada.
He was killed just a week ago, the first UK reservist to be killed in this conflict.
Fue asesinado hace tan solo una semana, el primer reservista británico muerto en este conflicto.
Seals are not killed for food; they are not really killed to protect fish stocks.
La matanza de focas no sirve para obtener comida, ni realmente para proteger las poblaciones de peces.
Only last Thursday, a Palestinian killed eight students at a prominent religious school and was himself killed.
Solamente el jueves pasado, un palestino mató a ocho estudiantes en una renombrada escuela religiosa, perdiendo la vida a su vez.
The problem in Central Nigeria is not only that the people who are being killed there are Christians, because in January this year it was Muslims who were killed.
El problema en Nigeria Central no radica sólo en que las personas que se está asesinando sean cristianas, porque en enero del presente año eran los musulmanes los que eran asesinados.
So it is not just people on the left who are being killed, anyone who defends democracy in Colombia is being killed.
No es que estén matando sólo a la izquierda, están matando a todo aquel que defiende la democracia en Colombia.
The resolution states how many people he has killed.
En la resolución se expone el número de personas a las que ha asesinado.
Every person killed is one too many.
Cada persona que muere es una persona de más que muere.
Eight policemen and soldiers were killed the other day.
Ocho policías y militares resultaron muertos anteayer.
A further 150,000 civilians have been killed since then.
Otros 150.000 civiles han perdido la vida desde entonces.
Four young people were killed on the roads.
Cuatro jóvenes murieron en las carreteras.
Hundreds have already been killed, and thousands are fleeing.
Cientos de ellos han sido ya asesinados y miles de personas han tenido que huir.
Three thousand were killed at the start of the year.
Tres mil personas fueron asesinadas a principios de año.
An abortion is a catastrophe for the unborn child, who is killed.
Un aborto es una catástrofe para el niño nonato, que es asesinado.
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