Spanish Word for however  

English Word: however

Spanish Word: sin embargo, realmente
The Spanish Word for however
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Translated sentences containing 'however'
He should not have done it, however he did it.
No debió hacerlo, sin embargo lo hizo.
She loves to watch TV, however, she does not watch it at night.
A ella le encanta ver la televisión, sin embargo, no la ve por las noches.
Nobody agreed with the new law; however, they decided to go ahead.
Nadie estaba de acuerdo con la nueva ley, sin embargo, ellos decidieron seguir adelante.
However many you've seen, you must go and see this one (film).
Por muchas que hayas visto, debes ir a ver ésta.
I'm Italian; however, I live in Spain.
Soy italiano, sin embargo, vivo en España.
However clear you/she may be, I don't like it.
Por muy clara que sea, no me gusta.
However late it may be, we will come by to see you.
Por muy tarde que sea, pasaremos a verte.
You should know, however, that the coastal areas offer more opportunities than the inland areas.
Sepan, sin embargo, que la zona costera ofrece más posibilidades que las tierras del interior.
I can't find it however hard I look.
No lo encuentro por más que lo busco.
The kid fell into the mud, however, he is not dirty.
El niño resbaló en el lodo, sin embargo, no está sucio.
However, since my hair is very smooth, I can cut it as much as I like.
En cambio, como mi pelo es muy lacio, puedo cortarme tanto como quiera.
Oh pardon me, I did not bring it this time, I forgot it; however, I brought something to show you.
Ah perdón, no lo traje esta vez, se me olvidó, sin embargo, traje algo para mostrarte.
I put gas in the car; however, the motor doesn't start.
Eché gasolina al carro, sin embargo, el motor no arranca.
Maybe I left it in my suitcase.
Tal vez lo dejé en mi maleta.
However brave he may be, he will not do it.
Por valiente que sea, no lo hará.

That is not all, however.
Pero eso no es todo.
There is more to it than that, however.
Pero hay más.
That is not all, however.
Pero eso no es todo.
That is not all, however.
Pero eso no es todo.
However, that is not all.
Pero eso no lo es todo.
This is not all, however.
Pero eso no es todo.
That is not all, however.
Pero eso no es todo.
However, we have to do more.
Pero tenemos que hacer más.
That is not, however, what we are doing.
Sin embargo, eso no es lo que estamos haciendo.
However, I am against it.
Sin embargo, estoy en contra.
However, there is more than that.
Sin embargo, eso no es todo.
However, it is more than that.
Sin embargo, es algo más que eso.
They are not that, however.
Sin embargo, no lo son.
However, that is not it.
No obstante, eso no es todo.
We should do more than that, however.
Pero no solamente deberíamos quedarnos aquí.
That is not all, however.
Y eso no es todo.
However, we are where we are.
No obstante, estamos donde estamos.
This is not all there is to it, however.
Sin embargo, ahí no acaba todo.
That is not all, however.
No obstante, eso no es todo.
However, that is not all.
Sin embargo, eso no es todo.
However, that is not all.
Sin embargo, eso no es todo.
That is not all, however.
Esto no es todo, no obstante.
That is not all, however.
Pero eso no es todo.
However, that is not all.
Sin embargo, eso no es todo.
However, that is not all.
Sin embargo, eso no es todo.
However, this was not down to him.
Sin embargo, esto no depende de él.
However, that is by the by.
En cualquier caso, esto es secundario.
We want more than that, however.
Sin embargo, queremos todavía más.
However, that is not the problem.
Pero el problema no es ése.
That, however, is not my question.
De todos modos, ésa no es mi pregunta.
This is not the only problem, however.
Pero este no puede ser el único contenido.
I cannot however be delighted by it.
Pero no puedo contentarme con ello.
There is nothing of this, however.
No obstante, no hay nada de esto.
However, he is only speaking for himself.
Pero, allá él.
This, however, is not enough.
Sin embargo, esto no es aún suficiente.
However, I am at a disadvantage.
No obstante cuento con una desventaja.
There has to be more transparency, however.
Sin embargo, hay que seguir incrementando la transparencia.
That, however, is not justified.
Este criterio no es correcto.
However, there could have been other options.
Sin embargo, había otras alternativas.
We cannot, however, leave it at that.
Pero no podremos detenernos aquí.
This is not the case, however.
No es el caso.
However, that is not the case.
Sin embargo, no es éste el caso.
It was little more than that, however.
Pero poco más.
However, we should not generalise.
Por otra parte, no se puede generalizar.
What, however, do we say about it?
¿Pero qué decimos nosotros?
However, that is not the case.
Sin embargo, no es cierto.
That was not my question, however.
No obstante, ésa no era mi pregunta.
However, we should not despair.
Pero no debemos desesperar.
However, there is clearly more to it than that.
Está claro, sin embargo, que no es solamente todo esto.
However, that is not the case.
Sin embargo, tal cosa no es cierta.
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