Spanish Word for held  

English Word: held

Spanish Word: Tuvo lugar, sostuvo[Verb]
The Spanish Word for held
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Translated sentences containing 'held'
From this lesson you have held back knowledge from her.
A partir de esa lección has trabado conocimiento con ella.
She held herself back from telling him the truth.
Ella se contuvo de decirle la verdad.
He held her in his arms.
La sostuvo entre sus brazos.
Philosophy has held a great role in history.
La filosofía ha tenido un gran papel en la historia.
You will be held here overnight in the common cell.
Usted pasará la noche retenido en la celda común.
I would have cried if I hadn’t held myself back.
Habría llorado, si no me hubiese contenido.

Who should be held responsible for this?
¿A quién hay que imputar la responsabilidad?
With what jurisdiction was it held?
¿Con qué competencias se celebró?
Why have we held back?
¿Por qué hemos vacilado?
That body held a meeting, and we held discussions with it, on Sunday.
Ese órgano celebró una reunión, y discutimos la situación con él, el domingo.
Everything is in place for a vote to be held.
Está todo listo para que se celebre una votación.
The Regulation was therefore held to be valid.
Así, pues, se consideró válido el Reglamento.
Can people be held to account?
¿Es posible exigir responsabilidades?
At the same time, the NGO forum was held.
Paralelamente se celebraba el foro de las ONG.
It cannot be held up because it is already upon us.
Lengthy discussions have been held, and what is the outcome?
Se ha hablado mucho, y ¿cuál es el resultado?
If so, when will it be held, and who will participate?
En caso afirmativo, ¿podría indicar cuándo se celebrará y quién participará en ella?
I cannot deny that I attribute that to the date on which it was held.
No voy a negar que lo atribuyo a la fecha en que tuvo lugar.
They must not be held hostage any longer.
No deben seguir siendo rehenes ni un minuto más.
That is why I held out for a fair deal for them.
Por este motivo defendí un trato justo para ellos.
He is being held in detention at a secret location.
Se le mantiene detenido en un lugar secreto.
The discussion was held in two parts.
Este se desarrolló en dos partes.
They have been held captive ever since.
Desde entonces, siguen en cautiverio.
When a referendum is held, the outcome should be respected.
Cuando se celebra un referendo hay que respetar el resultado.
We have just held a debate on the Balkans.
Acabamos de mantener un debate sobre los Balcanes.
And you wonder why the EU is held in such contempt!
¡Y todavía hay quien se pregunta por qué se desdeña a la UE!
This is the view held my most members of the Group.
Esta es la opinión que sostiene la mayoría de diputados del Grupo.
Such an assembly could be held in conjunction with the summit.
Dicha asamblea podría celebrarse conjuntamente con la cumbre.
I stand by the opinion I have held until now.
Mantengo la opinión que he defendido hasta ahora.
The next session should be held in Tehran.
La siguiente sesión se celebrará en Teherán.
But, of course, they cannot, because these proceedings are held in secret.
Pero el caso es que no pueden, porque dichas reuniones se celebran a puerta cerrada.
The debate on this will be held in mid-2006.
El debate sobre el mismo se celebrará a mediados de 2006.
Indeed, two of them were held in Brussels.
En realidad, dos de ellas se celebraron en Bruselas.
The referendums should if possible be held on the same date.
Sería deseable que los referendos se celebraran en la misma fecha.
This is a debate that should be held within society.
Este es un debate que debería mantenerse dentro de la sociedad.
He has held on to power by means of fraud.
Se ha mantenido en el poder de manera fraudulenta.
Negotiations are currently being held in the trialogue.
Las negociaciones se desarrollan actualmente en el marco del diálogo a tres bandas.
Why is this debate being held at night?
¿Por qué se hace de noche este debate?
Why are we being held hostage to this fuel and these derivatives?
¿Por qué seguimos dependiendo de ese combustible y de esos derivados?
We held a full consultation.
Realizamos una completa consulta.
After all, what would our reaction have been if this discussion with these countries had been held before?
Después de todo, ¿cuál habría sido nuestra reacción si este debate se hubiera celebrado anteriormente con estos países?
We have not held up anything, that is true, nor did we want to do that.
Es cierto que no hemos retrasado nada, ni queríamos hacerlo.
Companies must be held to account.
Se debe exigir responsabilidades a las empresas.
Presidential elections are to be held shortly.
Las elecciones presidenciales tendrán lugar próximamente.
Who will be held responsible?
¿Quién será el responsable?
Europe's citizens are being held hostage.
Los ciudadanos europeos están siendo utilizados como rehenes.
And this is why we must insist they be held accountable.
Y, por eso, hay que exigir responsabilidades.
They must not be held as 'hostages' by the authorities.
No deben ser utilizados como "rehenes" por las autoridades.
This means, in particular, that they should not be held in detention.
Con esto me refiero a que no se les puede mantener retenidos.
For this they must be held accountable.
Por eso deben ser considerados responsables.
No elections have been held there for 50 years.
Allí no se han celebrado elecciones en cincuenta años.
There is no way that can be held to be acceptable.
Esto no es de ninguna manera aceptable.
The negotiations were held in appropriate conditions.
Las negociaciones se desarrollaron en las condiciones apropiadas.
That policy should not be held back.
Esta política no se puede detener.
I am grateful that this debate is being held.
Agradezco que se esté celebrando este debate.
A referendum has been held on changes to the constitution.
Se ha celebrado un referéndum sobre la introducción de algunos cambios en la constitución.
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