Spanish Word for convince  

English Word: convince

Spanish Word: convencer, persuadir
The Spanish Word for convince
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Translated sentences containing 'convince'
You guys didn't know how to convince her.
No supisteis convencerla.
They did not convince the professor to cancel class.
Ellos no convencieron al profesor que cancelara la clase.

I have tried to convince you of this.
He intentado convencerle de ello.
In that case, convince me!
¡En ese caso, convénzanme!
So this answer did not convince me at all.
Así pues, esta respuesta no me ha satisfecho en absoluto.
What does it take to convince you?
¿Qué hay que hacer para convencerlos?
How can I convince you of that?
¿Cómo podría convencerles de ello?
I have already tried to convince her of the need for this.
He intentado convencerla antes.
I would like to convince you of their importance.
Me gustaría convencerles de su importancia.
You will have to convince the public.
Tendrán que convencer a la opinión pública.
This extension should be able to convince them.
Esta prórroga debería tener el mérito de convencerla.
That really should convince the Council.
Ese argumento debería convencer al Consejo.
I hope you can convince me otherwise.
Espero que pueda convencerme de lo contrario.
This could convince our partners to change their behaviour.
Esto podría convencer a nuestros socios de la necesidad de cambiar de comportamiento.
It is up to us to convince our American partners of this.
A nosotros nos corresponde convencer a nuestros socios de los Estados Unidos.
This is the way to convince people.
Así es como se convence a la gente.
They are the ones we need to convince, not ourselves.
Es a ellos a quienes tenemos que convencer, no a nosotros.
Also, debate does not always convince.
Además, el debate no siempre es convincente.
We must now convince the Council.
Ahora debemos convencer al Consejo.
For those of you who did not vote for me, I will try to convince you to me.
Para aquellos de ustedes que no han votado por mi, trataré de convencerles de mis capacidades.
After all, it has not yet managed to convince me.
Después de todo, no ha logrado convencerme.
We must try to convince them.
Debemos intentar convencerle.
We must inform and convince the Council of this.
Debemos informar y convencer al Consejo.
I hope that the debate will convince a few more people.
Yo confío en que el debate todavía logre convencer a algunos.
It will take a bit more than that to convince people.
Hace falta algo más.
You can and must convince the States which have the most doubts.
Ustedes pueden y deben convencer a los Estados que más dudas tienen.
We too have a responsibility to convince people of this historic task.
También es nuestra responsabilidad convencer a los ciudadanos de esta tarea histórica.
She said that it was my job to convince him to go to a doctor.
Ella me dijo que yo debía convencerle de que acudiera a un médico.
I believe we have to win them over as well, by trying to convince them.
Creo que también hemos de ganarlos para la causa, intentando convencerlos.
We regret this, and hope to convince not only you but also your successor.
Lo lamentamos y esperamos convencerle no solo a usted, sino también a su sucesor.
This denial does not convince me or certainly those who have drawn your attention to this.
Esta negación no me convence ni a mí ni seguramente a los que han llamado su atención al respecto.
It is therefore important to convince Khartoum to accept it.
Es importante, pues, convencer a Jartum de que la acepte.
It is not citizens we need to convince, it is Member States.
No tenemos que convencer a los ciudadanos, sino a los Estados miembros.
We all know that some of our partners will be hard to convince.
Todos sabemos que será difícil convencer a algunos de nuestros socios.
We must also convince others, so that we are not alone.
Debemos asimismo convencer a otros a fin de no estar solos.
We have to think about the pace, and convince Member States.
Tenemos que considerar el ritmo y convencer a los Estados miembros.
Unfortunately, the summit was unable to convince people of this.
Desgraciadamente, la Cumbre no ha conseguido convencer a la población en este aspecto.
You are very difficult to convince, Mrs in 't Veld.
Es usted muy difícil de convencer, señora in 't Veld.
We must be able to convince others to be as ambitious as we are.
Tenemos que poder convencer al resto de que sean tan ambiciosos como nosotros.
We should convince them that such a future is also in their best interest.
Deberíamos convencerles de que este futuro es también por su propio bien.
Above all, however, we have been working to convince others for years.
Sin embargo, hemos estado trabajando sobre todo para convencer a otros durante años.
The conclusions of your scientific committees, Commissioner, do not convince me.
Las conclusiones de sus comités científicos, señora Comisaria, no me convencen.
Please tell us how you intend to convince them.
Dígannos cómo piensan convencerla.
Therefore, it should be a goal for all of us to convince the companies.
Por ello, nuestro objetivo fundamental debería ser convencer a las empresas.
Obviously these countries have in the meantime also managed to convince the Commission.
Evidentemente, estos países han logrado convencer también a la Comisión.
Unfortunately, I was unable to convince the French Interior Minister.
Desgraciadamente, no he logrado convencer al Ministerio de Interior francés.
I had the opportunity to convince myself of that just a short time ago.
Hace poco pude convencerme de ello.
It distorts reality in a desperate bid to convince the people that all this is for their own good.
Distorsiona la realidad en un intento desesperado por convencer a los pueblos de que todo esto se lleva a cabo por su bien.
No one can convince me that we have got it right at present.
Nadie puede convencerme de que en este momento estemos actuando correctamente.
I see that I have failed in my attempt to convince you that some progress has indeed been made.
. (EN) Veo que he fracasado en mi intento de convencerle de que realmente se han hecho algunos progresos.
Moreover, no one can convince me that it is economically necessary.
Además, nadie podrá convencerme de que esto es económicamente necesario.
You have to convince a very large majority of them to get a qualified majority.
Es necesario convencer a una enorme mayoría de ellos para obtener la mayoría cualificada.
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