Spanish Word for constantly  

English Word: constantly

Spanish Word: perpetuo, constantemente, siempre
The Spanish Word for constantly
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Translated sentences containing 'constantly'
One must practice constantly because if not, everything will be forgotten.
Hay que estar practicando constantemente porque si no, se olvida todo.
She is constantly looking at herself in the mirror.
Ella está constantemente mirándose en el espejo.
The child constantly cried, which annoyed the mother.
El niño lloraba contínuamente, lo que irritaba a la madre.
The ocean waves are caressing the beach constantly.
Las olas del mar están acariciando la playa constantemente.
He thinks about her constantly.
El piensa en ella constatemente.
The old lady falls down constantly.
La viejita se cae constantemente.
My dog is constantly scratching his ears.
Mi perro se rasca constantemente las orejas.

I am constantly aware of it.
Soy muy consciente de ello en todo momento.
That is what we have called for - constantly.
Eso es lo que hemos estado pidiendo, constantemente.
The conventions too are constantly being supplemented.
También las Convenciones reciben constantemente nuevos añadidos.
We constantly have to maintain this balance.
Hay que mantener siempre este equilibrio.
We have been pursuing this commitment constantly and consistently.
Se trata de un compromiso que perseguimos con coherencia y constancia.
Their ability to survive is constantly undermined.
Su capacidad para sobrevivir se ve continuamente socavada.
That is the message we constantly convey.
Ése es el mensaje que transmitimos constantemente.
I constantly ask myself what Europe is doing wrong.
Me pregunto constantemente qué estamos haciendo mal.
This is not a constantly elastic process.
Este no es un proceso siempre elástico.
Why, then, do we constantly have to go over this discussion again and again?
Entonces ¿por qué volvemos una y otra vez sobre este debate?
New technology is being developed constantly.
Constantemente se desarrollan nuevas tecnologías.
We are constantly given different explanations.
Continuamente nos dan distintas explicaciones.
They are constantly demanding more Europe.
We need constantly to monitor the situation.
Tenemos que vigilar constantemente la situación.
That is why we need to constantly remind ourselves of what our goals are.
Por eso necesitamos recordarnos continuamente cuáles son nuestras metas.
At the same time, unemployment is constantly rising.
Al mismo tiempo, el desempleo no deja de aumentar.
I was constantly criticised by them, but this is actually their role.
Me han criticado constantemente, pero en realidad es su función.
We are constantly being watched by the whole of humanity.
Estamos permanentemente bajo la mirada de toda la humanidad.
Let us constantly express that.
No dejemos nunca de expresarlo.
I hear them constantly complaining and apologising.
Les he oído quejarse y pedir disculpas de un modo constante.
This part of the market is constantly expanding.
Esta parte del mercado crece constantemente.
NATO, however, is constantly expanding.
No obstante, la ampliación de la OTAN es constante.
They constantly encounter a range of obstacles.
Éstas se encuentran constantemente con una serie de obstáculos.
Our society is constantly ageing.
Nuestra sociedad está envejeciendo constantemente.
Our farmers do not want to be constantly subsidised.
Nuestros ganaderos no quieren estar constantemente subvencionados.
This is something that is constantly being neglected.
Este es un aspecto que se olvida constantemente.
However, we are constantly being fobbed off with words.
Sin embargo, se nos han dado largas constantemente.
That percentage is constantly rising.
Ese porcentaje está en constante aumento.
It constantly flouts its own principles.
Pisotea constantemente sus propios principios.
We are therefore working on this constantly and very intensively.
Esto es lo que hacemos de forma intensiva y regular.
Instead it has risen constantly.
En su lugar aumentó continuamente.
The level of knowledge is constantly changing.
Los niveles de conocimientos cambian constantemente.
Because we constantly penalize the labour factor.
Porque estamos gravando continuamente el factor trabajo.
That must be constantly emphasized.
Hemos de subrayar tal cosa una y otra vez.
We have been constantly reinforced in this view by the scientists.
Nuestra posición se ha visto reforzada, como siempre, por las opiniones de los científicos.
Madam President, I have been constantly interrupted.
Señora Presidenta, ¡me han interrumpido constantemente!
Constantly new proposals and constantly new institutions will not get us any further.
Presentar constantemente nuevas propuestas y establecer nuevas instituciones no nos hará avanzar.
Prices are constantly falling and compulsory equipment can be constantly extended.
Los precios son cada vez más bajos, y el equipamiento obligatorio cada vez más amplio.
We should not be constantly re-regulating incinerators.
No tendríamos que estar constantemente volviendo a regular las incineradoras.
Nonetheless, it is important that this point be reiterated constantly.
Sin embargo, es importante recordar siempre este punto.
Data from research vessels is constantly being assembled.
Se reúne permanente información entregada por barcos de investigación oceanográfica.
This would mean that extra rules would constantly have to be dreamt up.
Esto significa que debería adoptarse de forma constante una normativa específica.
We are constantly struggling with the element of unknown risk.
Estamos luchando constantemente contra el elemento del riesgo desconocido.
Urgently needed reforms are constantly being postponed.
Se aplaza una y otra vez la aplicación de reformas absolutamente necesarias.
We are constantly seeing different forms of spamming.
Estamos recibiendo constantemente diferentes formas de spam.
But I do not think that we can do so by constantly hiking up prices.
Pero no creo que se consiga aumentando constantemente los precios.
Why are there constantly problems with train traffic through the tunnel?
¿Por qué observamos esta continua dificultad en la circulación de los trenes en el túnel?
Nor do we want to be constantly dependent on U.S. intervention.
No queremos confiar siempre en los Estados Unidos y en sus intervenciones.
That is what I am constantly asked as a Member for a coastal area.
En mi calidad de diputado de una región costera, continuamente me repiten esta pregunta.
That is why we constantly make powerful appeals to both parties.
Por esta razón hacemos constantemente enérgicos llamamientos a ambas partes.
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