Spanish Word for completely  

English Word: completely

Spanish Word: completamente
The Spanish Word for completely
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Translated sentences containing 'completely'
The house was completely destroyed by the bomb.
La casa fue completamente destruida por la bomba.
They completely rebuilt the building.
Reconstruyeron el edificio en su totalidad.
The flavor of this dish is completely unusual.
El sabor de este plato es totalmente atípico.
I can't trust him completely.
No puedo confiar en él completamente.

This cannot be completely justified.
Esto no está totalmente justificado.
Is that not completely out of proportion?
¿No resulta completamente desproporcionado?
That would be completely unacceptable.
Eso sería completamente inaceptable.
That is completely out of the question.
Esto está fuera de toda duda.
I completely agree with this.
Estoy completamente de acuerdo con esto.
That would be completely counterproductive.
Esto sería completamente contraproducente.
That would be completely wrong.
Eso sería un craso error.
I agree with that completely.
Estoy completamente de acuerdo.
That would be completely absurd.
Sería totalmente absurdo.
I am completely happy with this.
Estoy totalmente feliz con esto.
That has been completely lost.
Eso se ha perdido por completo.
We have to do this, and we completely understand that we have to do this.
Tenemos que hacer esto, y entendemos completamente que tenemos que hacerlo.
This is what is completely missing.
No aparecen por ninguna parte.
We are completely opposed to that!
Nos oponemos totalmente a ello.
I agree with you completely.
Estoy de totalmente de acuerdo con usted.
We are completely in agreement with that.
En esto estamos de acuerdo.
And that is completely wrong!
Esto es absolutamente erróneo.
They have all been struck by terrorism in a completely indiscriminate and completely unjust way.
Todas ellas han recibido el duro golpe del terrorismo de una forma totalmente indiscriminada e injusta.
We need to change tack completely.
Debemos cambiar el rumbo con decisión.
Naturally I completely endorse what they have said.
Naturalmente respaldamos completamente lo que han dicho.
What she has said here is completely justified.
Lo que ha dicho aquí es totalmente acertado.
We need a completely different system.
Se ha de cambiar el sistema radicalmente.
He has completely avoided the word 'harmonisation' .
Ha evitado en todo momento emplear la palabra armonización.
I think that is completely unnecessary.
Creo que es totalmente innecesario en este caso.
The procedure needs to be completely overhauled.
Es fundamental que dicho procedimiento se modifique profundamente.
The real problem is being completely ignored.
El problema real es pasado totalmente por alto.
This Commission has been completely silent on this issue.
La actual Comisión ha guardado un silencia absoluto sobre esta cuestión.
It is a humiliating situation which is completely unacceptable.
Es una situación humillante que resulta totalmente inaceptable.
I think the argument is completely unacceptable.
Este argumento me parece totalmente inadmisible.
That system is completely obsolete.
Ese sistema está absolutamente obsoleto.
The infrastructure in Iraq has been completely decimated.
La infraestructura de Iraq ha quedado completamente dislocada.
This is, of course, completely inadequate.
¡Naturalmente, esto es totalmente insuficiente!
This is completely unacceptable, and that is precisely how I see it.
¡Esto no puede ser! Y yo comparto esta opinión.
It is true that we cannot be completely satisfied with 30%.
Está claro que con un 30% no se puede estar satisfecho al 100%.
These allegations are completely unfounded.
Pues bien, se trata de argumentaciones que carecen de todo fundamento.
I completely agree with Commissioner Patten.
El Comisario Patten tiene toda la razón.
We are completely open to any proposals in this connection.
Estamos totalmente abiertos en este aspecto.
The vote is completely clear.
La votación es muy clara.
Such exceptions were completely inappropriate.
Estas excepciones eran totalmente inoportunas.
It would transform our energy industry completely.
Cambiaría por completo nuestra política energética.
I completely share that view.
Estoy completamente de acuerdo con esta idea.
Completely to omit ferrets is irresponsible.
Es una irresponsabilidad dejar totalmente fuera al hurón domesticado.
The addictive aspects are completely different.
Algunos aspectos de la dependencia son completamente distintos.
This accusation is completely unfounded and unjustified.
Una acusación de la que no tiene pruebas ni fundamentos.
This whole policy is completely restrictive.
Toda esa política es completamente restrictiva.
This is a completely new development.
Esto es algo totalmente nuevo.
Now it is completely enlightened.
Ahora está todo perfectamente claro.
This again is completely unacceptable to our citizens.
También en este caso eso será totalmente inaceptable para nuestros ciudadanos.
Unfortunately this directive is not completely transparent.
Desgraciadamente, esta directiva no resulta completamente clara.
However, we completely agree with the rest of them.
Con el resto estamos completamente de acuerdo.
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