Spanish Word for carefully  

English Word: carefully

Spanish Word: cuidadosamente
The Spanish Word for carefully
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Translated sentences containing 'carefully'
They read the recipe carefully.
Leyeron la receta con cuidado.
The mother listened to her son carefully.
La madre escuchó a su hijo atentamente.
They carefully come from the street.
Ellos vienen por la calle cuidadosamente.
The students read quickly and carefully.
Los alumnos leen rápido y cuidadosamente.
After having studied your application carefully, we regret we won't be able to accept it.
Tras haber examinado atentamente su candidatura, lamentamos no poder aceptarla.
Drive carefully in school zones.
Conduzcan con cuidado en las zonas escolares.
I advise you not to lose your head. Think things over carefully.
Te aconsejo que no pierdas la cabeza. Piensa las cosas con calma.
The jury was judging the contestants carefully.
El jurado calificaba a las concursantes con cuidado.
Drive carefully or you will hit a pedestrian.
¡Conduce con cuidado que vas a atropellar a algún peatón!

We have examined this carefully.
Examinamos detenidamente esta posibilidad y los Sres.
I listened to it very carefully.
Lo he escuchado con mucha atención.
Should we not think more carefully about this?
¿No convendría reflexionar algunos minutos más?
I have checked this very carefully.
Me he preocupado de controlar esto minuciosamente.
I have listened carefully to you.
He escuchado atentamente sus intervenciones.
I have listened carefully to you.
Como ven, he prestado mucha atención a sus comentarios.
I listened to you very carefully.
Le he escuchado muy atentamente.
We have listened very carefully.
Hemos escuchado muy detenidamente.
We have to look at this very carefully.
Es preciso abordar esta cuestión con sumo cuidado.
I carefully listened to all of you.
He escuchado atentamente a todos ustedes.
We should think carefully about that.
Deberíamos pensar sobre esto con detenimiento.
I listened to you very carefully on this.
Les he escuchado atentamente.
I have studied them carefully.
Las he estudiado atentamente.
We have looked into this very carefully.
Hemos estudiado este asunto con mucho detenimiento.
It has all been noted very carefully.
Todo quedó anotado de manera muy escrupulosa.
That is why we should reflect on this very carefully!
Por esta razón, deberíamos reflexionar cuidadosamente sobre esto.
We need to look very carefully at those.
Debemos analizarlos con mucha atención.
Yet it was a carefully considered decision.
Y, sin embargo, ha sido una decisión examinada muy detenidamente.
We shall look into this matter very carefully.
Vamos a examinar eso muy atentamente.
Which is why I think we need to tread carefully.
Por ello, creo que aquí hay que ser precavido.
I have been listening very carefully to what has been said.
He escuchado con mucha atención lo que se ha dicho.
These desires have been examined and assessed very carefully.
Esos anhelos han sido estudiados minuciosamente.
The situation is being carefully monitored by the Commission.
La Comisión está siguiendo de cerca la situación.
We shall look into this very carefully.
Examinaremos atentamente la cuestión.
But we have to carefully analyse all aspects of the issue.
Pero debemos analizar detenidamente todos los aspectos de esta cuestión.
We shall look into this matter very carefully.
Vamos a examinar la situación muy de cerca.
We should be sure that we consider these operations carefully.
Tenemos que asegurarnos que vigilamos estas operaciones cuidadosamente.
We need to tread carefully on this point.
Es un punto en el que debemos ser cuidadosos.
This being so, I think that we should tread very carefully.
En este sentido creo que debemos ser especialmente cuidadosos.
We must monitor projects very carefully.
Debemos hacer un seguimiento muy cuidadoso de los proyectos.
We have to look carefully at where our money is being spent.
Tenemos que mirar exactamente en donde gastamos nuestro dinero.
I listened carefully to what they had to say.
Les he escuchado con muchísima atención.
I believe that we need to consider that very carefully.
Creo que deberíamos examinar esto con mucha atención.
We have to very carefully consider how we deal with these substances.
Debemos estudiar muy detenidamente cómo debemos tratar dichas sustancias.
I have listened carefully to what you have said.
He escuchado con atención lo que ha dicho su señoría.
I thought very carefully about coming this week.
He pensado seriamente si debía venir esta semana.
The matter has been carefully investigated.
Se ha analizado detenidamente.
We need to think very carefully about this directive.
Tenemos que pensar detenidamente acerca de esta directiva.
This proposal has been very carefully constructed.
Esta propuesta se ha elaborado con sumo cuidado.
We have followed that carefully in our drafting.
Hemos tenido en cuenta su recomendación en nuestro proyecto.
I have listened very carefully to all the contributions.
He escuchado detenidamente todas las intervenciones.
I have listened carefully to what the rapporteur had to say.
He escuchado con atención lo que tenía que decir el ponente.
I listened very carefully to what the Commissioner said.
He escuchado muy atentamente lo dicho por el Comisario.
We will monitor this very carefully.
Lo controlaremos con sumo cuidado.
This is therefore worth investigating more carefully.
Por lo tanto, merece la pena investigar esto más de cerca.
We therefore need to consider all this very carefully.
Por lo tanto, tenemos que examinar toda esta cuestión muy detenidamente.
We like to work carefully.
Nos gusta trabajar con esmero.
We, though, have to look at each of them very carefully.
Por eso hemos examinado cada uno de ellos con detenimiento.
We have noted all the proposals and carefully considered them.
Hemos tomado nota de todas las propuestas y las hemos estudiado minuciosamente.
I have very carefully noted the points that have been made.
He tomado nota de las observaciones que se han hecho.
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