Spanish Word for appreciate  

English Word: appreciate

Spanish Word: estimar
The Spanish Word for appreciate
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Translated sentences containing 'appreciate'
I put my trust in you, but you didn't appreciate it.
Yo puse en ti mi confianza, pero no la apreciaste.
I appreciate your invitation that I accept delighted.
Le agradezco su invitación que acepto encantada.
Our children will never know or appreciate what we the parents do for them.
Los hijos nunca sabrán o apreciarán lo que los padres hacemos por ellos.
I really appreciate what you have done for me.
Aprecio mucho lo que has hecho por mi.
I really appreciate your help.
Agradezco mucho tu ayuda.
You can't appreciate the scenery with this fog.
Con la niebla no se aprecia el paisaje.
We appreciate the assistance
Nosotros agradecemos la ayuda
I appreciate the assistance from the nurse
Yo agradezco la ayuda de la enfermera

I would appreciate a reply to this.
Desearía una respuesta.
I would appreciate your support in this.
Le ruego su apoyo.
I very much appreciate them.
Otorga un gran valor a las mismas.
I appreciate that this is difficult.
Soy consciente de que resulta difícil.
I would appreciate it if this were corrected.
Me gustaría que este error se rectificara.
We appreciate this very much.
Lo apreciamos enormemente.
I appreciate that very much.
Le estoy muy agradecido por ello.
We appreciate that very much.
Esto lo apreciamos mucho.
That is something we should appreciate.
Esto es algo que deberíamos valorar.
We appreciate that there has been a delay.
Sabemos que ha habido un retraso.
I would appreciate a response to this.
Agradecería una respuesta al respecto.
I appreciate what you are saying.
Aprecio lo que usted dice.
I would appreciate your reaction to this.
Apreciaría mucho su respuesta a estas cuestiones.
I would appreciate clarification on this.
Me gustaría que me aclarara esto.
I very much appreciate that.
Lo agradezco mucho.
I would appreciate it if you would allow me to do that.
Le agradecería que me permitiese hacerlo.
I would appreciate a response from you.
Apreciaría una respuesta por su parte.
I should appreciate your response to this.
Espero escuchar su respuesta a esto.
I appreciate that very much.
Lo agradezco mucho.
We have to appreciate them dearly.
Tenemos que apreciarlos mucho.
We very much appreciate your doing so.
Le agradecemos que lo haga.
I would appreciate your answer.
Me gustaría escuchar su respuesta.
In the end, they appreciate that.
Al final lo agradecen.
I would appreciate your views.
Valoraría su opinión al respecto.
I appreciate that it is very difficult.
Soy consciente de que es algo muy complicado.
We very much appreciate that.
Algo que apreciamos mucho.
I would appreciate your reaction.
Le agradecería que me respondiese.
I very much appreciate this.
Les estoy muy reconocido.
I would appreciate more information here.
Le agradecería que nos diera más información.
I would appreciate some clarification.
Agradecería que se me diera una aclaración.
I appreciate that the protesters...
Considero que los que protestan...
But you fail to appreciate this.
Pero usted no lo ve así.
We appreciate that you have suggested it here.
Comprendemos que lo haya propuesto.
That is something we would appreciate!
¡Se lo agradeceríamos!
I appreciate what you say.
Aprecio mucho sus palabras.
I very much appreciate that.
Lo aprecio mucho.
I appreciate all efforts and I appreciate what is in the plan of action.
Aprecio todos los esfuerzos y aprecio lo que está previsto en el Plan de Acción.
I appreciate the statement by Commissioner Michel and I appreciate the efforts he has been making.
Aprecio la declaración del Comisario Michel y el esfuerzo que ha realizado.
I appreciate his good humour and I appreciate his good judgement.
Agradezco su buen humor y su buen juicio.
These are things we should appreciate and I must say that, personally, I appreciate them very much.
Esos son asuntos que debemos valorar y debo decirle que yo, personalmente, lo valoro mucho.
I appreciate that it is a provocative question.
Se que es éste un asunto provocador.
I appreciate the support from Parliament to that effect.
Agradezco el respaldo del Parlamento en este sentido.
I would appreciate it if the technicians could do something about it.
La resonancia es terrible. Creo que los técnicos deberían hacer algo.
I appreciate his very open and honest attitude to this.
Aprecio su actitud abierta y honesta en este asunto.
I would appreciate clarification by the Commission on this point.
Le agradecería a la Comisión que me aclarara este punto.
I appreciate the response from Mr Wijkman.
Agradezco la respuesta del Sr. Wijkman.
As you will appreciate, this is a real debate.
. (EN) Como ustedes pueden apreciar, este es un debate real.
I would appreciate a Commission response.
Agradeceré sobremanera una respuesta de la Comisión.
I fully understand and appreciate that.
Lo comprendo plenamente y me hago cargo de ello.
I appreciate the enormous difficulties.
Soy consciente de las enormes dificultades.
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