Spanish Word for announced  

English Word: announced

Spanish Word: anunciado
The Spanish Word for announced
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Translated sentences containing 'announced'
The mayor announced his retirement.
El alcalde anunció su retirada.
They have announced that they are getting divorced.
Ellos han anunciado que se van a divorciar.
They have announced that they are getting divorced.
Ellos han anunciado que van a divorciarse.
They have announced a very good sale.
Han anunciado unas gangas muy buenas.
He announced it aloud.
El lo anunció en voz alta.

Is that what you announced?
¿Ha anunciado usted esto?
If it is, I would be grateful if they could be announced.
En caso afirmativo, yo agradecería que lo comunique.
It has been announced and the figures are there.
Anunciada está, las cifras están.
Today, we all agree that most of what was announced then has not been achieved.
Ahora todos estamos de acuerdo en que, de lo que se anunció entonces no se ha llevado a cabo la mayor parte.
These have been announced for June at the very latest.
Éstas están anunciadas para junio a más tardar.
The amendment has been voted upon as I announced it.
La enmienda ha sido sometida a votación tal y como la he anunciado.
Professor Monti has announced this.
El catedrático Monti lo ha anunciado.
This was announced in February 2001.
Esto se hizo en febrero de 2001.
The result will be announced tomorrow.
Mañana se anunciará el resultado.
They announced this brilliant proposal publicly.
Han declarado públicamente este buen propósito.
You have announced that this is to be the subject of a feasibility study.
Ha anunciado usted que esto será objeto de un estudio de viabilidad.
That is why I welcome the safeguards that the Commission has announced.
Por ello celebro las salvaguardias que ha anunciado la Comisión.
Secondly, the result has been announced.
En segundo lugar, ya se ha anunciado el resultado.
Today you announced this in an ambitious voice.
Usted lo ha anunciado hoy con tono ambicioso.
Finland has announced its intention of joining.
Finlandia ha anunciado su intención de incorporarse.
You have announced that the ministers are about to meet.
Ha anunciado que los Ministros están a punto de reunirse.
The chronicle of a death announced before Gothenburg.
La crónica de una muerte anunciada antes de Gotemburgo.
You have not announced any dumping levies until now.
Hasta el momento, usted no ha anunciado ninguna medida contra el dúmping.
Now it is announced that OLAF is to be strengthened.
Ahora se anuncia que la OLAF va a ser reforzada.
The new constitution has been announced.
Se ha anunciado la nueva Constitución.
I expect agreement on those to be announced very shortly.
Espero que la consecución de tales acuerdos se anuncie en breve.
It has already announced some plans.
Ya ha anunciado algunos planes.
We did not vote on that, or you announced something incorrectly.
No hemos votado eso o ha habido algún error en su anuncio.
However, no results have yet been announced.
Sin embargo, todavía no se han anunciado los resultados.
Then it announced them on the Friday when the votes were being counted.
Luego las ha anunciado el viernes, mientras se estaba realizando el recuento de los votos.
I announced a text for October.
Anuncié un texto para octubre.
It was announced that it would be open, but it will not be.
Se anunció que estaría abierto, pero no lo estará.
We have announced them and we have supported them without result.
Los hemos anunciado y los hemos apoyado sin resultado.
The directive has been announced and I eagerly await it.
Aguardo con impaciencia la directiva que se ha anunciado.
The Gendarmerie has announced that it has been deleted.
La Gendarmería ha anunciado que se ha borrado.
I hope that what you have announced will be implemented.
Espero que pongan en práctica lo que han anunciado.
It is more efficient to do that when the item is announced.
Es más económico actuar una vez que se haya convocado el punto del orden del día.
That was the result of the vote as it was announced yesterday.
El resultado de la votación es el que se anunció ayer.
I announced what amendment we were voting on very clearly.
Yo anuncié claramente la enmienda que se sometía a votación.
Regrettably, we have learned about it from the newspapers before it could be announced here.
Lamentablemente, nos enteramos por los periódicos antes de que se exponga aquí.
This initiative was announced on 28 August.
Esta iniciativa fue proclamada el 28 de agosto.
What happened to the debates that were announced?
¿Qué ha sido de los debates anunciados?
The result of the vote has been announced.
Ya se ha comunicado el resultado de la votación.
The German Presidency itself has also announced this.
Así lo anunció también la Presidencia alemana.
We had accepted the decision which you announced.
Habíamos aceptado la decisión que usted misma comunicó.
The Commission has announced a programme of reforms.
La Comisión ha anunciado un programa de reformas.
The Commission has announced a radical revision of the directive.
La Comisión anuncia una revisión profunda de la directiva.
Mr Rothley has announced a fifth directive.
El Sr. Rothley ha anunciado una quinta directiva.
The exact time will be announced later.
Más adelante se anunciará la hora exacta.
They announced these measures to increase the availability of products.
El anuncio de estas medidas persigue un aumento de la disponibilidad de medicamentos.
After a result has been announced, we will not go back on it.
Una vez que se anuncia un resultado, no volvemos sobre él.
Thank you very much for these positive measures you have announced.
Muchas gracias por estas medidas positivas que ha anunciado.
I do not feel that this is what has happened so far with the measures announced.
No creo que esto sea lo que ha sucedido hasta la fecha con las medidas anunciadas.
   The earliest moment when this motion could have been announced is now.
   El primer momento en que podía anunciarles esta moción es este preciso instante.
You, unfortunately, have announced an ‘intelligent interpretation’ of the pact.
Lamentablemente, ustedes han anunciado una «interpretación inteligente» del pacto.
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