Spanish Word for along  

English Word: along

Spanish Word: a lo largo de
The Spanish Word for along
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Translated sentences containing 'along'
All of their cousins got along really well when they were children.
Todos sus primos se llevaban muy bien cuando eran niños.
I invited Pedro to my party and he brought all his friends along.
Invité a Pedro a mi fiesta y él se trajo a todos sus amigos.
Someone passes along the street.
Alguien pasa por la calle.
He tends to stroll along the narrow streets.
Suele deambular por las callejuelas.
They walk around the park.
Ellas caminan por el parque.
We continue along the path.
Nosotros seguimos el camino.
Pedro and Antonio don't get along well.
Pedro y Antonio no se llevan bien.
I never fire anybody as long as he/she gets along with the other employees.
Nunca despido a nadie mientras que se lleva bien con los otros empleados.
We took a walk along the river.
Dimos un paseo a lo largo del rio.
If they were that different, they would not get along.
Si fuesen tan distintos, no se llevarían así de bien.
I don't get along with my boss.
No me llevo bien con mi jefe.
Susana doesn't get along with her boss.
Susana no se lleva bien con su jefe.
I get along well with my brother and sister-in-law.
Me llevo muy bien con mis cuñados.
Ana and I get along very well.
Ana y yo nos llevamos muy bien.

We are not going along with that.
Esto no podemos apoyarlo.
I cannot go along with that.
No puedo estar de acuerdo con eso.
We had anticipated this all along.
Lo habíamos anticipado todo el tiempo.
We cannot go along with this.
No podemos permitirlo.
We cannot go along with that.
No podemos estar de acuerdo con tales actitudes.
Was this agreed all along?
¿Estaba ya acordado desde entonces?
I go along with that.
Estoy de acuerdo con ello.
We have gone along with it.
Lo hemos sacado adelante.
But we have to go along with it.
Pero a eso nos tenemos que someter.
I go along with that.
Me adhiero gustosamente a ello.
It should continue along this path.
La Comisión debe continuar avanzando por este camino.
They got along quite well.
El entendimiento fue bastante bueno.
For that reason, I did not go along with it any further.
Desde entonces no he colaborado más.
We can go along with this.
Nos podemos mostrar de acuerda con esta postura.
We cannot do much else other than go along with it.
El Parlamento camboyano ha dado su visto bueno.
They are not all identical but they are along the same lines.
No son iguales, pero van en el mismo sentido.
We should continue along this path.
Debemos proseguir en este sentido.
I would happy to go along with that.
Yo aceptaría encantado esa propuesta.
Others spoke along the same lines.
I repeat once again, this is something we have said all along.
Repito una vez más que aquí se trata de algo que ya hemos dicho siempre.
Both proposals are along the wrong lines.
Ambas propuestas van mal encaminadas.
May we continue along that route!
¡Sigamos por ese camino!
Is it a compromise along those lines that is being considered?
¿Se piensa en este tipo de orientación para el acuerdo?
We proceed along those lines.
Ese es el camino que estamos siguiendo.
That is why we should carry on along this road.
En consecuencia, deberíamos seguir avanzando por este camino.
The amendment we have tabled is along these lines.
Y la enmienda que hemos presentado se orienta en este sentido.
Why are we continuing along this absurd path?
¿Por qué continuamos por este absurdo camino?
We should be thinking more along these lines.
Deberíamos pensar más en estos aspectos.
We must continue along this road.
Tenemos que seguir por ese camino.
We cannot and we will not go along with that!
Nosotros no podemos estar de acuerdo con esta línea.
He was arrested, along with his friend.
Fue arrestado, junto con su amigo.
It is obvious that we cannot go along with this!
¡Es obvio que no podemos prestarnos a ello!
This is something we will not go along with.
No podemos estar de acuerdo con esto.
The Council initially went along with this.
En un principio, el Consejo decidió secundar esta idea.
Our approach has been clear all along.
Nuestro planteamiento ha sido siempre muy claro.
This process is jerking along.
Se trata de un proceso bastante intrincado.
That is a constructive step along the road.
Se trata de un avance constructivo en este recorrido.
Move along, there is nothing to see here!
¡Circulen, no hay nada que ver!
Move along, there is nothing to see here.
Circulen, no hay nada que ver.
We simply cannot go along with this view.
Simplemente no podemos estar de acuerdo con esa opinión.
He publicly humiliated himself and France along with him.
Se ha humillado públicamente y Francia con él.
Rather than do that, we must help it along.
En lugar de hacer esto, debemos apoyarlo.
We needed to carry them along with us.
Necesitábamos que estuvieran de nuestro lado.
We must continue along this route.
Se trata de seguir por este camino.
Along with many others, I fear that we are not.
Y me temo, al igual que otros, que no es así.
All along I have been in dialogue with the industry and this is what it would like.
En todo momento he estado en contacto con el sector, y eso es lo que ellos quisieran.
I would urge you along the route of certification.
Le insto a que siga la vía de la certificación.
Are you thinking along these lines?
¿Se está pensando en este sentido?
I very definitely do not go along with this view.
Decididamente no participo de ese planteamiento.
These discussions are moving along smoothly.
Dichas conversaciones se desarrollan sin sobresalto.
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