Verb Conjugator
Spanish Verb: parecerse
English Translation: resemble
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Translated sentences containing 'parecerse'
No nos parecemos en nada.
We don't look alike at all.
Mi hermana y yo nos parecemos.
My sister and I look alike.
Te pareces mucho a tu padre, pero tienes la nariz de tu madre.
You look a lot like your father, but you have your mother's nose.
Te pareces mucho a tu padre, pero tienes la nariz de tu madre.
You look a lot like your father, but you have your mother's nose.
María y Ana se parecen.
Maria and Ana resemble each other.
Me parezco a mi madre.
I look like my mother.
Sofia se parece a su hermana.
Sofia looks like her sister.
Su vestido se parece al mío.
Her dress looks like mine.
Yo me parezco mucho a mi hermano. Mi hemano y yo nos parecemos mucho.
I look a lot like my brother. My brother and I look alike very much.
No sé. Ha de ser el papá de Pedro. Se parece mucho a él.
I don't know. He must be Pedro's father. He looks a lot like him.
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