Spanish Verbs Beginning with A
Click on a verb below for the full verb conjugation, example sentences, and translation:
- acordarse - to remember
- abandonar - to abandon, leave behind, desert; to quit, give up
- abordar - to board, get on [plane, bus, etc.]; to approach, accost [a person]
- abortar - to abort, cause to miscarry; to have a miscarriage
- abrazar - to hug, embrace
- aburrir - to bore; to tire, weary
- aburrirse - to get bored, become bored, be bored
- abusar - to go too far, take advantage
- acabar - to finish, end
- acampar - to camp, encamp, go camping
- aceptar - to accept, approve; to agree to
- acercarse - to approach
- acompañar - to accompany, go with, escort
- aconsejar - to advise
- acontecer - to happen, occur, come about
- acortar - to shorten
- acostarse - to go to bed, lie down
- acostumbrar - to be accustomed to, be in the habit of; to get </I>[someone]<I> used to
- acostumbrarse - to get used to, get accustomed to
- actuar - to act, perform, actuate, operate
- adivinar - to guess, fortell, prophesy; to guess correctly
- admirar - to admire, respect, look up to
- admitir - to admit, accept, allow, recognize
- adorar - to adore, worship
- adornar - to adorn; to decorate, embellish; to garnish [food]
- advertir - to notice, observe, advise, warn
- afeitar - to shave
- afeitarse - to shave [oneself]
- afirmar - to make firm, steady, strengthen; to affirm, state, assert
- agradar - to please, be pleasing
- agradecer - to be thankful for</I>; <I>to thank [for]
- aguantar - to put up with, endure, bear, stand
- ahorcar - to hang
- abrir - to open
- acercar - to bring near[er], move [something] nearer
- acordar - to decide, resolve, agree [on]
- acostar - to put to bed
- agorar - to predict, prophesy
- ahorrar - to save
- alcanzar - to reach, catch, catch up to, catch up with
- alegrar - to make happy, cheer [up], gladen
- alegrarse - to be glad, happy; to become/get happy; to rejoice
- alentar - to encourage, cheer, insnpire, bolster up
- aliviar - to alleviate, ease, lessen, lighthen, relieve
- almorzar - to lunch, eat lunch, have lunch
- alquilar - to rent; to rent out, let
- amanecer - to dawn</I>; <I>to wake up [feeling or being ...]
- amar - to love
- amenazar - to threaten, menace
- andar - to walk, go
- anhelar - to be eager for/to, long for/to, yearn for/to
- anunciar - to announce
- añadir - to add; to increase
- apagar - to extinguish, put out, turn off
- aplaudir - to applaud, cheer, clap
- aplicar - to apply
- apostar - to bet, wager
- apoyar - to support, hold up, prop up; to back
- apreciar - to appreciate, value, esteem, estimate, notice
- aprender - to learn
- apretar - to be too tight; to squeeze; to tighten [up]; to press [down/against]
- arreglar - to arrange, settle, fix up, repair, tidy up
- arrepentirse - to repent, be repentant, regret
- arrojar - to throw, hurl, cast, toss
- asistir - to attend
- aspirar - to breath in, inhale; to suck in; to aspirate; to aspire
- asustar - to frighten, scare, startle
- asustarse - to be frightened [oneself]
- atacar - to attack
- atender - to attend to, pay attention to
- atraer - to attract, draw, lure
- atravesar - to cross, cross over, go across, go over, pass through
- atreverse - to dare
- aumentar - to increase, add to, augment; to be on the increase, rise
- avanzar - to advance, move forward
- averiguar - to find out, discover
- avisar - to warn, inform, notify
- ayudar - to help
- abanicar - to fan
- abatir - to overthrow, to knock down, to throw down
- abarcar - to include
- abastecer - to suply
- aberrar - to err, to be mistaken
- abdicar - to abdicate
- ablandar - to soften
- abofetear - to slap, to hit in the face
- abogar - to advocate, to intercede, to plead
- abollar - to dent
- abominar - to abominate
- abonar - to pay, to credit, to fertilize
- abolir - to abolish
- abrasar - to burn, to set on fire
- abreviar - to abbreviate, to shorten
- abrigar - to keep warm, to shelter
- abrillantar - to burnish, to polish
- abrochar - to fasten, to do up
- abrogar - to abrogate
- abrumar - to overwhelm
- absorber - to absorb, to soak up
- absolver - to acquit, to absolve
- abstenerse - abstain; de + infinite = to refrain from
- abuchear - to boo
- abultar - to bulge up, to beef up
- abundar - to abound
- acachetear - to slap
- acallar - to silence, to quiet
- acanalar - to groove, to flute, to corrugate
- acaparar - to hoard, to stockpile
- acariciar - to caress
- acarrear - to carry, to transport, to entail
- acartonar - to make wizened
- acatar - to obey, to comply
- accionar - to propel, to bring an action against, to act
- acaudillar - to lead
- acceder - to access
- acechar - to lie in wait for
- aceitar - to oil, to grease, to lubricate
- acelerar - to accelerate, to speed, to hurry
- acendrar - to refine
- acentuar - to accent, to emphasize
- acerar - to coat in steel
- acertar - to guess right
- acezar - to puff and pant
- achantar - to intimidate
- achatar - to flatten
- achicar - to take in
- acidificar - to acidify
- aclamar - to acclaim
- aclarar - to explain, to clarify, to make clear
- acobardar - to unnerve, to intimidate
- acoger - to welcome, to receive
- acogotar - to choke, to strangle
- acolchar - to quilt, to pad
- acollar - to earth up
- acometer - to attack
- acomodar - to lodge, to accommodate, to find a place for
- acompasar - to keep in step
- acomplejar - to give a complex
- acoplar - to put together
- acopiar - to stockpile
- acosar - to harass
- acreditar - to accredit, to prove
- acribillar - to riddle, to bombard
- acriminar - to incriminate
- acrisolar - to refine (metal), to purify
- acromatizar - to achromatize
- activar - to activate
- acuatizar - to land in the sea
- acuartelar - to billet, to quarter
- acuchillar - to knife, to cut, to slash
- acuciar - to plague, to pester
- acuitar - to afflict
- acudir - to attend, to be present frequently, to respond (to a call)
- acumular - to accumulate
- acunar - to rock
- acuñar - to mint (moneda)
- acusar - to accuse
- adaptar - to adapt
- adecentar - to straighten up, to tidy up
- adecuar - to adapt
- adelantar - to advance, to progress, to go forward
- adelgazar - to slim, to loose weight
- aderezar - to season, to dress
- adeudar - to owe
- adicionar - to add
- adiestrar - to train ( animal )
- aditar - to add
- adjetivar - to use adjectivally
- adjudicar - to award, to adjudicate
- adjuntar - to enclose, to attach
- administrar - to manage
- adoctrinar - to indoctrinate
- adoptar - to adopt
- adquirir - to obtain, to acquire, to buy
- afanar - to nick, to rush, to toil
- afiliar - to affiliate
- afinar - to tune, to refine
- afligir - to afflict, to trouble, to distress
- aflojar - to loosen
- aflorar - to surface
- afluir - to flock, to flow
- aforar - to assess, to value
- aforrar - to hit (pegar), -se ( to make a mint or fortune )
- afrentar - to insult, to affront
- afrontar - to face, to confront
- agachar - to lower, to bend, to bow down
- agarrar - to grasp
- agarrochar - to goad
- agarrotar - to garrote
- agasajar - to celebrate, to give honor
- agitar - to agitate, to wave, to shake up
- agotar - to exhaust, to drain
- agrandar - to enlarge
- agravar - to aggravate, to make worse
- agregar - to add
- agrupar - to group, to divide or put (en grupos)
- aguardar - to wait, to hold on
- ahogar - to drown
- ahondar - to make deeper
- ahorquillar - to prop up
- ahuchar - to urge on
- ahuecar - to hollow out
- ahumar - to smoke
- ahuyentar - to frighten off
- airar - to anger
- airear - to air
- aislar - to isolate
- ajar - to rumple, to crumple, to garlic field
- ajardinar - to landscape
- ajuiciar - to bring to his/her sense
- ajuntar - to be friends with
- ajustar - to tighten up, to adjust, to fit
- ajusticiar - to execute
- alabar - to praise, to compliment
- alabear - to warp
- alambrar - to fence, to wire
- alardear - to boast
- alargar - to lengthen, to extend, to prolong
- alarmar - to alarm
- albergar - to house, to accommodate
- alborear - to dawn
- alborotar - to make a racket, to incite
- alborozar - to rejoice
- alcahuetear - to gossip
- alear - to alloy
- alebrestar - to startle
- aleccionar - to lecture
- alegar - to allege, to assert, to plead
- alinear - to line up, to put into line, to align
- allegar - to bring closer
- almacenar - to store
- alumbrar - to illuminate, to light
- alzar - to lift up, to rebel, to rise up in arms
- amadrinar - to be godmother
- amamantar - to breast feed
- amargar - to spoil, to make bitter (persona)
- amarrar - to tie up, to fasten, to moor
- amartillar - to hammer
- amasar - to knead, to mix, to amass
- ampliar - to enlarge, to extend, to increase
- analizar - to analyze
- anotar - to write down, to make a note, to annotate
- anular - to annul, to cancel, to rescind
- añejar - to age, to mature (vino, queso)
- añorar - to be homesick, to miss, to long for
- apaciguar - to assuage, to calm
- apadrinar - to be godfather
- apalear - to beat, to batter
- aparecer - to appear, to show up, to turn up (objeto perdido)
- apilar - to pile up, to heap up
- apocar - to make smaller, to diminish, to feel small (humillado)
- apoderar - to empower
- aprobar - to approve
- aprovechar - to use, to exploit, to take advantage of
- apurar - to drain to the last drop, to embarrass, to hurry up
- armar - to arm, to put together, to assemble
- arrancar - to start
- arrestar - to arrest, to detain, to confine
- articular - to articulate
- asaltar - to assault, to attack, to rob
- asegurar - to ensure, to assure
- asentar - to put
- asesinar - to murder
- asignar - to assign, to allocate, to attribute
- asir - to seize, to grasp, to take root
- asomar - to show, to stick out, to appear
- asombrar - to astonish, to amaze, to be astonished
- atar - to tie
- atribuir - to attribute, to ascribe, to impute
- autorizar - to authorize
- ayunar - to fast, to go without food
- abalanzar - to balance, to dart, to impel
- abaratar - to cheapen, to abate
- abarquillar - to bend, to warp
- abarrotar - to overstock, to bind
- abnegar - to abnegate
- aborrecer - to detest, to hate
- abstener - to abstain, to abstention, to abstinence
- abstraer - to abstract
- acaecer - to happen, to occur
- achaplinar - to change ones mind
- achicharrar - to feel extremely hot
- acongojar - to distress, to grieve
- acotar - to mark off, to make marginal notes or citations
- acrecentar - to increase
- actualizar - to update
- adherir - to adhere, to stick
- adolecer - to suffer, to lack
- adormecer - to make sleepy, to fall asleep, to turn numb
- aducir - to adduce
- afectar - to affect, to pretend, to feign
- afilar - to sharpen
- agilizar - to speed up, to acelerate, to facilitate
- agobiar - to oppress
- agredir - to assault, to attack
- aguar - to water down, to to spoil
- agudizar - to sharpen, to worsen, to aggravate
- agujerear - to perforate, to make holes
- alejar - to move further away
- alertar - to alert, to warn
- aligerar - to lighten, to alleviate, to hurry
- alimentar - to feed
- alistar - to enroll, to enlist, to join up
- alojar - to lodge, to accomodate, to house
- alterar - to change, to alter, to disturb
- aludir - to allude, to refer
- amodorrar - to get sleepy, to doze off, to get drowsy
- amojonar - to delimit
- amolar - to grind, to ruin, to annoy
- amonestar - to admonish, to reprimand, to advise
- amordazar - to gag, to muzzle, to silence
- amortiguar - to muffle, to soften, to deaden
- amotinar - to riot
- amueblar - to furnish
- anclar - to anchor
- anestesiar - to anesthetize
- animar - to animate, to liven up
- aniquilar - to annihilate, to destroy, to exterminate
- anochecer - to get dark
- ansiar - to long for
- anteponer - to prefer, to place before
- anticipar - to anticipate, to foresee
- antojar - to fancy, to feel like
- anudar - to knot, to tie
- apañar - to grasp
- aparcar - to park
- aparear - to mate (animals), to pair off, to math up
- aparentar - to seems to be, to show off, to feign
- apartar - to set apart, to separate, to step aside
- apenar - to sadden
- aperturar - to open, to issue
- apestar - to stink, to smell, to infect
- apetecer - to desire, to want
- aplastar - to squash, to crush
- aplazar - to postpone, to adjourn
- aporrear - to bang, to hammer on
- aportar - to contribute
- apresurar - to hurry, to rush
- aproximar - to place or bring near, to approximate, to approach
- apuntar - to inscribe, to note, to write down
- arañar - to scratch
- archivar - to file
- arder - to burn
- argüir - to argue, to deduce
- argumentar - to argue
- arraigar - to take root, to settle down
- arrasar - to destroy, to win
- arrastrar - to drag, to crawl, to grovel (to somebody)
- arrebatar - to snatch
- arrendar - to rent
- arrepentir - to regret
- arribar - to arrive
- arriesgar - to risk, to take a risk
- arrodillar - to kneel
- arrollar - to roll, to knock down
- arrugar - to wrinkle, to crumple up, to crease
- arruinar - to ruin, to wreck
- asar - to roast
- ascender - to ascend, to promote
- asear - to clean, to straighten, to tidy up
- asediar - to besiege
- asentir - to nod
- asesorar - to advise, to counsel
- asfaltar - to asphalt
- asfixiar - to suffocate, to asphyxiate
- asimilar - to assimilate, to absorb, to take in
- asociar - to associate
- asolar - to destroy
- asolear - to sun, to get sunburnt, to bask in the sun
- asumir - to assume
- atañer - to concern
- atardecer - to get late, to grow dark
- atascar - to obstruct, to block
- atentar - to attempt the life of someone
- atenuar - to attenuate
- aterrar - to fill with earth, to terrify
- aterrizar - to land
- atestar - to pack or cram, to testify
- atestiguar - to testify, to witness, to attest
- atornillar - to screw
- atracar - to bolt
- atrapar - to catch, to capture
- atrasar - to delay, to postpone, to put back
- atrever - to dare
- atropellar - to knock down, to run over, to abuse
- aullar - to howl, to yell, to cry
- aunar - to join, to combine
- autentificar - to authenticate, to legalize
- auxiliar - to help
- aventar - to throw, to throw out, to throw air to someone
- aventurar - to hazard, to risk, to venture
- avergonzar - to embarrass
- averiar - to break down
- adelantarse - to go ahead, go in advance
- admirarse - to be surprised
- alejarse - to go away
- altercar - to quarrel
- apartarse - to go away, depart
- aprestar - to make ready, prepare
- arrodillarse - to kneel down
- avivar - to enliven, quicken; [aviva el ojo], keep your eyes
- arbitrar - arbitrate
- abjurar - abjure, abnegate, forswear
- amortizar - amortize
- amagar - threat
- anidar - nestle
- almiar - haycock, hayrick, haystack, rick
- amontonar - amass
- atemperar - mollify
- apuñalar - stab
- asalter - assault, violate
- apear - lean on, support
- acurrucarse - snuggle
- aplzar - postpone, shunt
- arquitecturar - establish
- aventajar - surpass
- acarciar - caress, chuck, fondle
- aclimatar - acclimatize
- amorrar - pout, sulk
- anexar - affiliate
- armonizar - attune
- arremeter - accrue
- aprehender - apprehend
- amplificar - amplify
- azuzar - abet
- azotar - flog, scourge, thrash
- alojarse - be a guest of, stay with
- aletargar - lull to sleep
- arrimar - abut, bring nearer
- aquietar - calm down, reassure, soothe, to appease
- arredrar - disjoin, disrupt, dissociate, unlink
- aletear - flicker, flounder, flutter, thrashing, waver
- asemejarse - resemble
- asquear - cloy
- atizar - stoke
- atrasarse - lag
- aduanar - tariff
- acgrandar - dilate, enlarge, expand, ream, upgrade
- acicalar - slick
- aguijar - goad
- arar - plough (plau)
- amoldar - sculpt
- acantonar - accommodate
- atisbar - peek
- acardenalar - to queeze
- acomunarse - ally
- apearse - dismount
- adormecerse - fall asleep
- astringir - tighten
- agostar - dehydrate
- anieblar - darken
- aguzar - sharpen, whet
- alebrarse - despond
- anquilosarse - stiffen
- autocar - coach
- aterrorizar - terrorize
- amistar - reconcile
- alternar - take turns
- atormentar - harass, tantalize
- agravarse - deteriorate
- atrancarse - stuck
- abismarse - engulf
- alucinar - hallucinate
- amputar - amputate
- anublar - overcloud
- averiarse - addle, ruin, spoil, to spoil
- almonedar - auction
- agraviarse - libels, offends, scathes, slights
- alistarse - report
- agarrarse - cling
- agregarse - affiliate
- arrullar - lull
- aherir - adherence, append, foist
- aturdir - daze, numb, stun
- aocrrar - fasten
- atontar - flummox
- agonizar - agonize
- americanizar - americanize
- ayer - yesterday
- afianzar - secure
- amalgamar - amalgamate
- agacharse - cower, crouch
- alongar - lengthen, renew
- adulterar - adulterate, corrupt
- ametrallar - strafe
- abrirse - flourish, prosper
- arropar - endue
- atrofiar - stunt
- aseverar - asseverate
- arreglarse - to get ready
- arengar - harangue
- agotarse - come out
- astillar - smash
- arriar - deluge
- arrastrarse - crawl, creep
- apostrofar - salutations, speak to
- acensuar - excise
- aproximarse - approach
- adular - adulate, flatter
- aciberar - crush, kibble
- alisar - slick, smooth
- amparar - guard
- alienar - alienate
- aglomerar - accumulate
- atener - new verb
- atenerse - accept, adjust, live with
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